• Andi Syahraeni


BKKBN is a non-ministerial government agency that is under the President and is responsible to the President based on Law Number 52 of 2009 article 56 paragraph (2), the BKKBN is tasked with carrying out population control and carrying out family planning. In 2020 the BKKBN has carried out organizational restructuring with the promulgation of the National Population and Family Planning Agency Regulation Number 11 of 2020 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the BKKBN. Early marriage in Indonesia has become a phenomenon that often occurs in almost all regions. Early marriage is a social problem that occurs among adolescents. The most victims of early marriage are women. Disobedience to the minimum age limit for marriage as stipulated in the marriage law, is evident from the 2017 BPS report which shows that the number of early marriages is ranked high with a relevance level of 25.71% and occurs evenly in almost all provinces in Indonesia. Even more astonishing, not only are they tall, but if you look at the data by segregation (gender), the number of girls is higher, that is, one out of four girls in Indonesia are victims of early marriage. The Messenger of Allah emphasized that "marriage is the sunnah" but at the same time the Koran and sunnah stipulate provisions that must be heeded especially because the people he meets carry out practices that are very dangerous and violate human values. In Islam the purpose of marriage is to fulfill the instinctive demands of human life, relating between men and women in order to realize family happiness according to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger. The many negative impacts arising from the practice of early marriage make us make various efforts to prevent early marriage. Various parties must collaborate in preventing this phenomenon. Such as the government, family and society.
Vol.9 No.2 Desember 2022
Abstrak viewed = 569 times


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