Analysis of Ad-Dunya wa Ad-Din as a Foundation for Business Ethics

  • Aditya Aditya Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Supriadi Supriadi Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Ad Dunya wa Ad Din, Etika Bisnis, Adab., Ad Dunya wa Ad Din; Bussiness Ethic; Adab


This study attempts to dissect the book Ad Dunya wa Ad Din by Al Mawardi as a reference for micro business activities. This issue was raised due to the increasing phenomenon of employees, both private and government, who work while doing side businesses. With various motives, the practice of "working while doing business" is widely carried out, so this study was carried out using postmodern qualitative research and raised the ethical concept of Ad Dunya wa Ad Din as an analytical instrument. The empirical values of existing business practices are captured rationally and intuitively, then these values are analyzed using the Ad Dunya wa Ad Din ethical concept approach. The results of this research show that business ethics includes ethical and spiritual educational values. In developing business ethics in certain cases, an educational process is needed to form halal habits and processes.


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