Imam Al-Ghazali's Perspective on Money: Function, Ethics, and Economic Implications in Islamic Finance

  • Nur Aulia Husnihita Muchtar Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Samsul Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Kamaruddin Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Imam Al-Ghazali; Concept of money; Islamic Economics; Function of money; Social welfare; Social justice; Usury; Economic speculation; Ethical financial practices; Public finance; Wealth distribution; State financial management;, Imam Al-Ghazali; Konsep uang; Ekonomi Islam; Fungsi uang; Kesejahteraan sosial; Keadilan sosial; Riba; Spekulasi ekonomi; Praktik keuangan etis; Keuangan publik; Distribusi kekayaan; Manajemen keuangan negara; Etika ekonomi


Imam Al-Ghazali, a prominent 11th-century Islamic scholar, offers a distinct perspective on the concept of money within the framework of Islamic economics. This study employs a qualitative analysis approach to examine Al-Ghazali's economic thought, focusing on his conceptualization of the function of money. The research design involves an in-depth review of primary texts authored by Al-Ghazali and secondary sources that provide interpretation and commentary on his ideas. The study aims to situate Al-Ghazali's contributions within the larger body of Islamic economic thought and explore their relevance to contemporary discussions on Islamic finance and ethics. Al-Ghazali emphasizes that money should serve as a means to achieve social justice and welfare rather than merely a tool for personal gain. He identifies key functions of money, including its role as a unit of account and a facilitator of social welfare through charitable activities. Al-Ghazali critiques the speculative nature of money in conventional economics and advocates for a balanced approach that prioritizes moral considerations and the welfare of the community. He argues against the hoarding of money, as it disrupts the flow of wealth in society and neglects obligations to contribute to societal welfare. Furthermore, Al-Ghazali provides a critical analysis of riba (usury), highlighting its exploitative nature and negative impact on financial stability and social justice. His insights underscore the importance of ethical financial practices and the role of the state in managing public finance to ensure equitable distribution of wealth and resources. Al-Ghazali's economic thought offers a comprehensive framework for approaching economic activities in a manner that aligns with Islamic values, emphasizing the intersection of economics and ethics.


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