Publication Ethics

Ethics in Publishing

ad-Dawaa' Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all reasonable precautions to prevent any errors from being published. All authors who want their work to be published in the journal as an original article must sign a declaration stating that the work is entirely their own and hasn't been duplicated or plagiarized in any way from another work.

Software that checks for plagiarism will review all of the submitted work. The work won't be allowed to be published again if plagiarism is discovered. An author won't be permitted to publish in ad-Dawaa' Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences if it is determined that they have plagiarized.

Withdrawal/correction/retraction policy

Retractions and revisions are handled by ad-Dawaa' Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Addendums, Erratums, Corrections, Retractions (or Partial Retractions), and Comments are all acceptable..


An addendum to the initial publication can be added to include critical results that were mistakenly left out. The Addendum with article numbers will be included in the current journal edition. The original publication will provide a link to the Addendum, which does not need to be altered.


Errata should be reported for scientifically significant formatting changes or changes to authorship if the author or contributor list is incorrect either a worthy author was left off or someone who does not fit the requirements for authorship was added. Scientifically significant formatting issues that require an Erratum include missing or unclear figures, as well as errors made during proofreading (e.g., missing text). Errata are not issued for spelling or grammar errors that do not affect how something is read or what it means. All authors should proofread the final version thoroughly.

Author Name Change Policy: The authors may choose to change their names after publishing. In these cases, ad-Dawaa' Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences will amend the article, republish it, and send the revised metadata to the appropriate indexing services (please keep in mind that any revisions are subject to the database's policies). Our staff understand that name changes can be private and/or sensitive for a variety of reasons, such as gender identity, marriage, divorce, or religious change. To preserve the writers' identities, there will be no Erratum, and co-authors will not be informed. If an author wishes to change their name, they should notify the Editorial Office of the magazine.


Corrections should be sent if published papers include serious scientific errors.

Any revisions can be reviewed by the academic editors. Corrections are used to notify people about any changes made after a paper has been published that alter the scientific interpretation (for example, changes to a misleading part of an otherwise reliable paper, an error in a figure, an error in data that does not change the conclusions, or the addition of missing method details). This is a distinct paper that includes a link to the updated original paper. To notify readers that a new version has been uploaded, a note will be placed to the Article Versions Notes and the abstract page.


Sometimes a component of study literature must be removed from the entire. This could be due to unintentional errors produced during the study process, serious ethical infractions, making up data, a high level of plagiarism, or another reason. These types of items undermine the credibility of scientific records and should be removed. When it comes to retractions, ad-Dawaa’ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Editorial Office investigates potential retractions in depth, with assistance from the Editorial Board and final permission from the Editor-in-Chief. Other people and institutions, such as university officials or subject matter experts, will be consulted as needed. If a Retraction is published, the original publication is altered by adding a "RETRACTED" watermark, but it remains available for future reference on the journal's website. However, retracted articles should not be used as sources for additional research because they cannot be trusted. Retractions are printed as a distinct item in the current issue of the journal, with the same authorship and affiliation as the article being retracted. Page numbers have been inserted. As a result, after the issue is published, the Retraction can be indicated in indexing databases. When only a portion of a result is incorrect, a partial retraction may be released. A paper will only be totally removed in extremely exceptional circumstances, such as when leaving it online would be against the law or would cause significant harm.

Expression of Concern

When a situation is confusing, uncertain, or has been going on for a long time, an Expression of Concern can be issued. If investigations into claimed or suspected research misconduct are still ongoing or are inconclusive, an editor or journal may wish to publish a "Expression of Concern," which specifies the areas of concern and what steps, if any, are being done. Very rarely.

Comments and Replies

Comments are brief messages from readers to editors that challenge either the results published in an article or the method by which the experiment was carried out. If a reader is interested in an article, he or she will normally contact the Editorial Office or the Editor-in-Chief. When this occurs, the Editorial Office may request that the reader write a brief, well-thought-out Comment on the article. The Comment may be published when the Editor-in-Chief has considered and evaluated it. If this occurs, the Editorial Office will contact the article's writers and request that they submit a Reply. If the reader's objections are valid, the authors or the Editorial Office may issue a "Correction" or withdraw the entire paper.

A reviewer will check both comments and replies to ensure that they cover significant sections of the original paper without becoming a new paper, that the reply answers the comment directly without being ambiguous, and that the tone of both is appropriate for a scientific journal.

Academic editors will be the first to review a comment. If it is accepted, it will be sent to the original paper's author, who will have the opportunity to react. Typically, the editor will set a deadline for receiving responses in order to publish the debate as quickly as feasible. If a response is received on time, both the comment and the response will be reviewed by the editor. If the original author does not respond, the editor may decide to proceed without one.

Most of the time, editors will ask readers who have already read the article to go over the Comment and Reply (if they are available). When editors receive review reports, they will send the Reply as well as the review reports to the author of the Comment. The author of the Comment will only have one chance to alter it.

The authors of the Reply will receive the amended Comment as well as the review reports. The authors will only have one opportunity to revise the Reply. Finally, the amended Comment/Reply will be emailed to the academic editor for review.


Duties of Editors, Reviewers, and Authors

Duties of Editors

The editor's job is to decide which of the papers submitted to the journal will be published. Such decisions must always be based on how thoroughly the work in question has been demonstrated and how valuable it is to academics and readers. The editors must abide by the standards established by the journal's editorial board and are bound by the laws in effect at the time regarding libel, copyright breaches, and plagiarism. The editors may consult with other editors or reviewers when reaching this decision.

Play fair. The intellectual content of submissions is always considered by the editor, independent of the writers' color, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic background, citizenship, or political opinions.

Confidentiality. The editor and any editorial staff must not discuss a submitted manuscript with anybody other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants, and the publisher, if needed.

Disclosure and having different goals. Without the author's written consent, editors may not utilize unpublished information from a submitted work in their own research.

Duties of Reviewers

Contribution in editorial decisions. Peer review assists the editor in deciding how to proceed with the article, and the editor's contacts with the author may also assist the author in improving the manuscript.

Promptness. Any designated referee who does not feel qualified to assess the research in a submission or who understands that reviewing it swiftly will be impossible should notify the editor and withdraw from the review process.

Confidentiality. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must be kept confidential. They may not be shown or discussed with others unless allowed by the editor.

Standards of Objectivity. Reviews should be carried out objectively. Personal attacks on the author are not appropriate. Referees should convey their opinions clearly and provide supporting evidence.

Acknowledgement of Sources. Reviewers should look for relevant published material that hasn't been cited by the authors. If you state that an observation, deduction, or argument has previously been reported, add the citation. A reviewer should also notify the editor of any notable parallels or overlaps between the article under consideration and any other published paper with which the reviewer is familiar.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure. Confidential information or ideas received through peer review must be kept private and not exploited for personal gain. Reviewers should not evaluate articles in which they have competing, collaborating, or other relationships or links with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the publications.

- The manuscript should be treated as confidential by the reviewer. Even after publication, the reviewer must not disclose the review or details about the review process with anybody without the permission of the editors and authors involved.

- If the reviewer detects plagiarism, fraud, or other ethical concerns, please notify the editor as soon as possible and offer as much detail as feasible.

- Any citation suggestion work must be done for genuine scientific grounds, not to increase a reviewer's citation count or to increase the prominence of his/her work.

Duties of Authors

Reporting Requirements. Authors of original research reports should include an accurate overview of the work done as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The underlying data should be appropriately reported in the study. A paper should include enough detail and references to allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or willfully inaccurate remarks are unethical and must be avoided.

Plagiarism and Originality. The authors should ensure that their works are wholly unique, and that if they have used the work and/or words of others, this has been properly cited or quoted.

Publication of Many, Redundant, or Concurrent Works. In general, an author should not submit articles detailing essentially the same study to more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is unethical and improper publishing activity.

Acknowledgement of Source. It is always necessary to properly acknowledge the work of others. Authors should reference publications that have influenced the character of the presented study.

Authorship of The Paper. Authorship should be limited to individuals who made a major contribution to the study's conception, design, implementation, or interpretation. Co-authors should include everyone who made a substantial contribution. Others who contributed to particular substantive areas of the study effort should be thanked or identified as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that the manuscript has all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors, and that all co-authors have viewed and approved the final version of the paper before it is submitted for publication.

Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure. Any financial or other substantial conflict of interest that could be considered to influence the results or interpretation of their paper should be disclosed by all authors in their manuscript. All sources of funding for the project should be mentioned.

Errors in Published Works that are Fundamental. When an author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in his or her own published work, it is the author's responsibility to contact the journal editor or publisher as soon as possible and to work with the editor to retract or fix the manuscript.