Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

(Manuscripts that do not use the template will be returned immediately, use the template)

Manuscripts must be written in English in 1500-2000 words, grammatically correct, without typos. Manuscripts that do not meet the minimum requirements for English grammar will be rejected immediately. Manuscripts are prepared to convey messages accurately, briefly and clearly. Manuscripts with cryptic / illegible text or substandard illustrations will be returned to the author.

Type each part of the manuscript neatly with spaces and margins according to the template on A4 paper. Manuscripts must be arranged in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References/Bibliography.

Paragraphs are arranged in a deductive model and related to the previous paragraphs. Paragraphs are composed of at least three sentences. Manuscript is made in one column. Use citations using the facilities provided by Microsoft word >> References >> Citations & Bibliography. The entire content of manuscript does not use numbering or bullets. Use Heading 1, 2 or 3 that already available in the template.

Use the Times New Roman font with the template font size throughout the script. Chemical substances are typed according to their generality in the chemical formula writing system. For units of measurement, use the recommended International Units (IU): m (meter), g (gram), kg (kilogram), μg (microgram), l (liter), μl (microliter), and ng/ml or ppm, not

Title Page

The first page should contain a concise and informative title, the names, affiliation, addresses of the authors and email of the corresponding author.


The abstract should not be exceeding than 250 words. The abstract should give overall work done throughout the manuscript.


Maximum five key words must be given at the end of the Abstract.


The introduction should contain the brief idea of work done in manuscript. The introduction should not contain detail of history or literature review. The drafting of introduction should be done in such a manner that reader should understand the need of work to the result of work done.

Materials and Methods

The list of materials should mention the name of supplier. The materials should include drug, polymer or any specific chemical and solvents used during the work. The free sample should be acknowledged in this section. The method should include the steps which was follows for the formulation of various batch in a systematic flow.

Results and Discussion

The result work should include the evaluation parameters with detail description of method and results obtain for the final selected batch. The data should clearly mention the result for all batches and the illustration should not be repeated. The statistical illustrations were highly desirable. The correct and good statistical data containing manuscript will get more preference. The statistical data should be produced in excel or in standard software should more advisable.


The conclusion summarized the whole work briefly.


If necessary, a brief Acknowledgements section may be included.


Reference list format is based on APA (American Psychological Association) style. Literature citations in text must be presented in Name and Year (APA format available in Microsoft word >> References >> Citations & Bibliography >> Style >> APA) and a separate Reference List after the body of the manuscript. References must include a list of authors, title of article / book, name of journal, publisher for book, year, volume number, issue number and page number.

Reference of Research Paper

Patel, S., Srivastava, S., Singh, M. R., & Singh, D. (2018). Preparation and optimization of chitosan-gelatin films for sustained delivery of lupeol for wound healing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Volume 107 Part B, 1888-1897.

Hamzah, N., Nurmi, Mukhriani, & Ismail, A. (2019). Karakter Indeks Pengembangan Gelatin Taut Silang dengan Sukrosa Teroksidasi dan Glutaraldehid. ad-Dawaa' Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2(1), 22-28.

Reference of Books

Supriyanto, S. E. (2010). Pemasaran Industri Jasa Kesehatan. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

Neal, M. J. (2006). at Glance Farmakologi Medis Edisi 5. Surabaya: Erlangga

Reference of Report

Chinou, I. (2016). Assessment Report on Vitis vinifera L., Folium. London: European Medicines Agency, Science Medicine Health. Retrieved from

Sari, N. (2017). Penentuan Kadar Total Fenol dan Total Flavonoid dari Ekstrak Etanol Buah Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.). Sumatra Utara: Repositori Institusi USU. Retrieved from

Plagiarism Checker:

Authors should check for plagiarism in the submitted manuscripts. Editors will reject articles with> 25% similarity using turnitin.


Photos or drawings must have a good contrast of dark and light. Legends of figures should be brief, but complete and self-explanatory so that the reader can easily understand the results presented in the figure. Figure legends should be attached to the figures. All figure number should be arranged orderly, the figures should not be supplied separately but pasted in the proper place. Figure number and title should be given below the figure, the content of the figure should be explained in the title of figure.

Graph and Chart

Graphs and charts added to the manuscript must be editable.


All tables should be numbered in order with grid lines. The table number should be properly given, large size tables should be split into two or more tables so that it can be accommodated within the page size. Table width and cell sizing should be even and all the content should be left side aligned. Number of the tables and title should be given above the tables and without any border, shading. Do not give on separate page. The table should with a brief but complete and self-explanatory caption so that the reader can easily understand the results presented in the table. Please do not duplicate material that is already presented in the figures.