Author Guidelines

This page provides general information for authors

Submission Policy

Papers submitted to Al-Kimia must contain original material (stated in copyright form). The submitted paper, or any translation of it, must neither be published, nor be submitted for publication elsewhere. Violations of these rules will normally result in an immediate rejection of the submission without further review. Contributions should be written in English and include no more 200 words abstract. Al-Kimia usually welcomes the research articles and article review providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic, also manuscript and any supplementary material should be submitted via journal system.

General Peer-Review Process

In short, all manuscripts submitted for publication in our journals are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed. The review process is double blind. If the manuscript is accepted for full review, it will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. 

Submitted manuscripts will undergo a detailed initial check including a Plagiarism Check in the Editorial Office. An Editor – usually the Editor-in-Chief or a board member of the journal – together with the Editorial Office takes charge of the peer-review process. It starts with a Preliminary Review by the Editor. 
After a manuscript is accepted for full review, the Editor will collect at least two review comments and prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers (finished no more than 4 weeks after preliminary review). The decision letter is sent to the Corresponding Author to request an adequate revision (peer-reviewed again whenever necessary). The author will be asked to format the manuscript according to Al-Kimia’s template before it goes into typesetting and proofreading with the publisher. The author will receive the paper in PDF produced by Al-Kimia for checking before it is published online.


1. The article should be the outcome of research related to chemistry which has not published and it is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere. 

2. The article is typed in MS. Word with Times New Roman font size 12 (except title, name and abstract) and space 1. It is maximally 16 pages, with up and left margin are 4 cm, and others are 3 cm. (Paper should be A4 size).  

3. The article is typed in essay format with title in every part of article.

4. Article might be in English. The title should be capital in center with font size 14. Part of title uses number and capital, with Times New Roman font size 12, and bold. 

5. The systematic of writing are;

  • Title, author (without academic title), institution (no abbreviation), and email. 
  • Abstract is writtenin English by using Times New Roman font italics (10 pt) and single space typed. Abstract is to be fully-justified and no more than 200 words. The abstract should be provided a brief introduction to the problem(s), objective(s), research methodology, and result summary or conclusion of the research. 
  • Key word includes maximally five important words related to research and organize alphabetically.  

6. Introduction should reveal the case of your study, outlining essential background. It should not be a review of the subject area, but should finish with a clear statement of the question being addressed.

7. Research method describes materials, tools, and procedures of the research. Provide concise but complete information about the materials and the analytical and statistical procedure used. This should be clearly described to enable others scientists to repeat the research. Brand names and company location should be supplied for all mentioned equipment, instruments, chemicals, etc. 

8. Results and discussion. Provide the data or information in a table which is not repeated in a figure and vice versa. It is not acceptable to repeat the number from tables in the text or to give lengthy explanations of table or figures. The final paragraph should highlight the main conclusions of the study.

Tables and Figures. All illustrations (photographs, drawing, graphs, etc), not including tables, must be labelled “figure”. All tables and figures must have a caption and be numbered (eg. Table 1, Figure 2). Captions must be written in sentence case. The font used in the figures should be Times New Roman with all symbols (if they are used) added in menu of Word. All tables and figures must be numbered consecutively as they are referred to in the text. Please refer to tables and figures with capitalization and unabbreviated (e.g., “As shown in Figure 1…” and not “Fig. 2” or “figure 2”).

The resolution of images should not be less than 118 pixels/cm when width is set to 16 cm. Images must be scanned at 1200 dpi resolution and submitted in jpeg or tiff format.

Graphs and diagrams must be drawn with a line weight between 0.5 and 1 point. Graphs and diagrams with a line weight of less than 0.5 point or more than 1 point are not accepted. Scanned or photocopied graphs and diagrams are not accepted.

Charts must be prepared in 2 dimensions unless required by the data used. Charts unnecessarily prepared in 3 dimensions are not accepted.

Table and figures, including caption, title, column heads, and footnotes, must not be exceed 16x20 cm and should be smaller than 8 cm in width. For all tables, please use Word’s “Create Table” feature, with no tabbed text or tables created with space and drawn lines. Please do not duplicate information that is already presented in the figures.

10. The conclusions are written clearly and succinctly in the form of paragraphs and must answer the purpose of the study. The conclusions should contribute to the current research on the progress of science and suggest subsequent experiments for progress from the field of study.

11. The references is written using Times New Roman, 12 pt font size, and each literature is spaced one time enter. Writing a list of libraries is written with the author's name (beginning with the last name of the author). The reference style used according to the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition. It is highly recommended to use the reference manager to organize the references such as Zotero, Mendeley or Endnote.

McKenzie JA. 1993. Power learning in the classroom. California: Corwin Press, Inc. (Book)

 Özgul. 1993. In Situ Esterification of Rice Bran Oil with Methanol and Ethanol, Journal American Oil and Chemical Society, 70(2), 145-147.( One author's Journal)

 Özgul S, Türkay S. (1993). In Situ Esterification of Rice Bran Oil with Methanoland Ethanol, Journal American Oil and Chemical Society, 70(2), 145-147.(More than one author)