Pengaruh Surfaktan Biner Cetil Trimetil Amonium Bromida (CTAB)- Hexametilen Triamin (HMT) pada Pembentukan Perak Nanorods menggunakan Katalis Natrium Hidroksida

  • Atiek Rostika Noviyanti Laboratorium Kimia Fisika dan Anorganik, Departemen Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Padjajaran
  • Iwan Hastiawan
  • Akrajas Ali Umar
  • Diana Rakhmawaty Eddy
  • Gani Abdilah


Nanoparticles have different physical properties and more interesting than that of bulk material. Nanoparticles are highly preferred for applications in various technologies as a catalyst, the raw material of electronic components, and as an antimicrobial agent. The aim of the research is synthesize of silver nanorods.  The effect of a binary surfactant CTAB-HMT on the morphology and homogeneity were investigated using UV/Vis spectrophotometer, TEM, and XRD. Base on the UV/Vis spectra and TEM morphology, silver nanoparticles have two types, spherical and rods shapes.  The best product of nanorods was obtained  at the composition of CTAB 0.15 M : HMT 0.15 M. The structure of nanorods obtained were face center cubic (fcc).


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How to Cite
Noviyanti, A. R., Hastiawan, I., Umar, A. A., Eddy, D. R., & Abdilah, G. (2017). Pengaruh Surfaktan Biner Cetil Trimetil Amonium Bromida (CTAB)- Hexametilen Triamin (HMT) pada Pembentukan Perak Nanorods menggunakan Katalis Natrium Hidroksida. Al-Kimia, 5(1), 1-11.
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