Elite : English and Literature Journal2024-12-16T14:03:38+00:00Nirwana[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Elite : English and Literature Journal</strong> (Print ISSN: <strong><a title="ISSN pint" href="">2355-0821</a></strong>, Online ISSN: <strong><a title="ISSN online" href="">2580-5215</a></strong>) is peer-reviewed journal devoted specifically to the studies of English linguistics and literature and other literatures with a special emphasis on local culture, wisdom, philosophy and identity. <strong>Elite : English and Literature Journal</strong> is <a href=""><strong>accredited</strong> <strong>(SINTA 3)</strong></a> by the Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education with Decree Number <strong>200/M/KPT/2020, 23</strong> December 2020. Published twice a year in <strong>June and December</strong>, the first edition of ELITE was published in 2013. The journal contents are managed by the English and Literature Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia in collaboration with <strong><a href="">Elite Association Indonesia</a></strong> and<strong> <a href="">Linguistics and Literature Association (LITA)</a>.</strong></p> REIMAGINING IN FAIR ROSALINE: NATASHA SOLOMONS’ REVISION OF ROMEO AND JULIET THROUGH HAROLD BLOOM’S REVISIONARY RATIOS2024-12-16T01:56:55+00:00Glory Emanuelle[email protected]Adiba Qonita Zahroh[email protected]<p><em>The growing inclusivity in today’s literary world offers female writers the chance to explore a wide range of themes even those that were previously considered exclusive for male writers. It led to the re-examination and reinterpretation of classic literature through a feminist lens. This study seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of Natasha Solomons’ </em>Fair Rosaline<em> through the lens of Harold Bloom’s “Revisionary Ratios.” This paper employs mainly qualitative research design by combining textual analysis and comparative literary criticism to explore Natasha Solomons’ </em>Fair Rosaline<em> as a feminist reinterpretation of Shakespeare’s </em>Romeo and Juliet<em> through the lens of Harold Bloom’s “Revisionary Ratios” theory and feminism literary theory. The texts of </em>Fair Rosaline<em> and </em>Romeo and Juliet<em> serve as the primary data. Not only that this research adds to the larger discussion concerning the place of women in literature while also improving our understanding of </em>Fair Rosaline <em>and its connection to </em>Romeo and Juliet<em>, but also offers new insights into how feminist writers reimagine classical texts and empower female narratives with new, critical perspectives.</em></p>2024-12-14T11:29:39+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adiba Qonita Zahroh, Glory Emanuelle CULTURAL DIDACTICISM: MORAL LESSON IN KOREAN KONG JWI PAT JWI AND INDONESIAN BAWANG MERAH PUTIH2024-12-16T01:35:59+00:00Zahra Adinda Nismara[email protected]Yulianeta[email protected]Didin Samsudin[email protected]<p><em>This article aims to identify and compare educational values contained in Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih, folklore from Indonesia, and Kong Ji Pat Ji from Korea through literary comparison. The study uses the qualitative descriptive method. Indonesian folklore was obtained through the 100-folklore book, and the origin of Korean folklore was obtained through the classic Korean folktale collection book. These two folk stories are similar: a main character living in a family where one parent dies and has a half-sister. Another similarity is that of the daughter in the family. Altogether, however, the text of these two folklores is different. The differences are found in text structures such as characters, settings, and grooves—furthermore, conflicts encountered in two different folklore. In the story of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih, the protagonist seeks her stepmother's clothes, while in the story of Kong Ji Pat Ji fills the hollow. These two folk tales can be used as educational tools for moral and ethical values for readers of different cultural backgrounds.</em></p>2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zahra Adinda Nismara, Yulianeta, Didin Samsudin LIGHT OF DAY: A FOCUS ON THE THEMES OF MEMORY AND TIME2024-12-15T15:14:00+00:00Md. Jobaar Talukder[email protected]Prakash Chandra Biswas[email protected]<p><em>Clear Light of Day</em>, one of the classic works of South Asian writer Anita Desai, focuses primarily on time and memory. In this novel she has skillfully portrayed how time and memory influence the personal and familial life, identities and relationships of individuals. Being set at the backdrop of Old Delhi, the novel reflects the importance of time and memory. Eventually, how time works as destroyer as well as preserver and how significant role memory plays in every individual’s life become the pivotal themes in <em>Clear Light of Day</em>. The novel explores the lives of the members of the Das family through the lenses of time and memory. Desai has used the concept of time of T. S. Eliot who remarks time as the “Destroyer and Preserver” and it has given the novel a profound base. This paper focuses closely on the roles and thematic exploration of time and memory in <em>Clear Light of Day</em>.</p>2024-12-14T12:01:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Md. Jobaar Talukder, Prakash Chandra Biswas ARCHETYPAL AND STEREOTYPICAL DEPICTION OF BARBIE IN THE BARBIE'S FILM (2023) BY GRETA GERWIG2024-12-16T04:50:30+00:00Fitriyah Fitriyah[email protected]Farah Diva Anindya[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">The Barbie (2023) film has succeeded in presenting more than just a light spectacle about the iconic doll. Behind the bright colors and seemingly perfect atmosphere of Barbie Land, this film explores profound themes, including identity, gender roles, feminism, and social criticism of society's expectations of women. The archetypal character of Stereotypical Barbie, as the main character, plays a vital role in this film as a representation of the perfect woman in Barbie Land. This study aims to analyze the psychological factors in Barbie's journey that may interfere with or support her. This is reflected in several patterns called archetypes in her personality traits and behavior when facing several stages of the storyline. The data for this study used the film "Barbie" (2023) by Greta Gerwig. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, using a psychoanalytic approach (Jung's Archetype theory). The results found seven archetypal characters represented by Stereotypical Barbie. The findings are Persona, Shadow, Animus, The Great Mother, Hero, Trickster, and Self. These findings will help us understand how the psychological layers in Barbie's story reveal complex dynamics about women's roles, identity crises, and the search for self.</p>2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriyah, Farah Diva Anindya USE OF PUNS TO GENERATE HUMOR IN DAD JOKES: A SCRIPT-BASED SEMANTIC THEORY OF HUMOR ANALYSIS2024-12-16T02:02:58+00:00Dwi Khumaeroh Sa'adah[email protected]Dewi Kustanti[email protected]Ruminda[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">Dad jokes have become a trend lately. Despite often being perceived as boring and unfunny, dad jokes are still practical in generating laughter. A critical component that makes dad jokes humorous is the use of puns. This research aims to classify the types of puns and how these puns generate humor in dad jokes. The data were the sentences that contained puns gathered from the @Dadsaysjokes X account. The research applied a qualitative method and presented a descriptive analysis. The semantic analysis of the data is supported by the puns classification theory developed by Delabastita (1996) and the Script-based Semantic Theory of Humor (SSTH) developed by Raskin (1985). The results of this research show that there are four types of puns in the dad jokes, which are homonymy, homophony, homography, and paronymy, that generate humor through ambiguity. In conclusion, dad jokes consist of puns that carry multiple meanings and amuse people through creative wordplay, so it breaks down the societal stigma that views dad jokes as boring and unfunny<em>. </em></p>2024-12-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Khumaeroh Sa'adah, Dewi Kustanti, Ruminda’S ANIMUS OF THE FEMALE MAIN CHARACTERS IN THE WOMAN KING FILM2024-12-16T14:03:38+00:00Kuang Yu[email protected]Essy Syam[email protected]Sorta Hutahaean[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">The Animus Archetype has four stages of development, this research uses data collection in documentation technique. The data are obtained by analyzing dialogues, expressions, and actions of the female main characters in <em>The Woman King</em> film. The data analyzing uses interactive method. The result of this research shows that the female main characters reflect the masculine traits in their actions parallel to Animus development stages of The Man of Power, The Man of Action, The Man of Word, The Man of Meaning. In the man of power, the female main characters act in their actions by showing strong physique, using weapons, blades, spears in the battle and killing enemies. They are brave, energetic, forceful, persistent in doing their activities, such as: climbing high, jumping in soldiers training, threatening enemies, debating in royal meeting. Then, in the stage of the man of word, the female main characters utter words of encouragement to encourage their warriors preparing to fight or reminding some slogans of soldier to the warriors. The last stage is the man of meaning, they dream to be a great man figure, like one of the female main characters wanted to be a soldier and another character was elevated by Dahomey King to be <em>The Woman King</em> with sacred title of Kpojito which had equal position with Dahomey King after ruining the Oyo analyzed using an interactive method.</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kuang Yu, Essy Syam, Sorta Hutahaean VALUES IN PARUNTUK KANA LITERATURE: A STUDY IN DATARA VILLAGE, TOMPOBULU, GOWA REGENCY2024-12-16T01:46:56+00:00Syamhari[email protected]Ihdiana Ishak[email protected]Amirullah Hidayat[email protected]<p class="Default"><span lang="IN">This study examines the <em>Paruntuk Kana </em>among the people of Datara Village, Tompobulu, Gowa Regency. </span><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to analyze the use of <strong><em>Paruntuk Kana</em></strong> among the community in Datara Village, Tompobulu, Gowa Regency, while examining the cultural values embedded within its practice in the same context.</span><span lang="IN"> This field research employs a descriptive qualitative methodology. Data collection was conducted through interviews. </span><span lang="IN">The findings of this study reveal that <em>Paruntuk Kana</em> is a local literary work that remains prevalent in the Datara village community. <em>Paruntuk Kana </em>embodies the refinement of language, which is integral to the community's way of life and facilitates communication and the expression of humanitarian aspects within society. The indicators of linguistic subtlety and gentleness in Paruntuk Kana literature, as evidenced by the research, demonstrate that the diction in Paruntuk Kana plays a crucial role in addressing the audience, imbued with the values of politeness and local traditions. The cultural values embedded in Paruntuk Kana literature are local values that reflect linguistic refinement, mutual respect, honor, and the practice of life based on humanist principles.</span></p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syamhari, Ihdiana Ishak, Amirullah Hidayat’S SOCIAL IMPACT IN AMANDA GORMAN’S SELECTED POEMS2024-12-16T01:48:57+00:00A.Irwin Irham[email protected]Sandra Dewi Dahlan[email protected]Muhammad Taufik[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">Social impact in this research refers to the influence of Amanda Gorman's literary works on society, especially in fighting for values such as equality, courage and solidarity. Gorman's work not only reflects her personal experiences but also has the power to inspire social change and strengthen human connections at various levels of society. This study examines how Amanda Gorman's life experiences and perspectives are expressed through her selected poems. The data were taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica, Amanda Gorman's own website, an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, Amanda Gorman's poems entitled "The Hill We Climb" (2021), "An Ode We Owe" (2022), and "Chorus of the Captains" (2021). This research is a qualitative descriptive approach and applies Sociology of Literature theory as outlined by renowned scholars Wellek and Warren. The novelty in this research lies in the analysis of Amanda Gorman's poetry by expanding the focus from three main concepts (Social Background, Ideology, and Social Integrity) to seven more detailed concepts. The results of this research reveal that Amanda Gorman's poetry reflects seven main concepts: Personal Struggles and Triumphs, Urban Experience, Cultural Identity and Heritage, Activism through Art, Intersectionality of Gender and Race, Community Building, and Moral and Ethical Advocacy. Gorman draws on her personal experiences and cultural identity to convey social issues through poetry, which reinforces messages of solidarity, justice, and change in society.</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 A.Irwin Irham, Sandra Dewi Dahlan, Muhammad Taufik DOES THE BUGINESE WOMAN IMAGE IN KETIKA SAATNYA? (POSTCOLONIAL STUDIES AND ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE)2024-12-16T01:49:23+00:00Ramis Rauf[email protected]Syahruni Junaid[email protected]Afriani Ulya[email protected]Indra Purnawan Panjaitan[email protected]Dhini Yustia Widhyah Saputri[email protected]Lucia Arter Lintang Gritantin[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">The anthology of short stories “Ketika Saatnya” is one of the literary works depicting the Buginese woman image written by Darmawati Majid, a Bugis woman. The problem with this article is how the literature illustrates the Buginese woman’s image based on Spivak’s idea of the subaltern and Islamic perspectives on women’s behaviours. This qualitative method, such as postcolonial discourse analysis, involves classifying data according to certain attributes and elements pertinent to the research aims to acquire research outcomes. It categorizes women as a subordinate demographic within society, politics, and geography, subject to the authority of a dominant group, particularly men. Buginese tradition signifies the supremacy of one male faction over another. This research indicates that Bugis women have consistently been placed in subordinate positions. The marginalized minority is portrayed as endeavouring to articulate their viewpoints and attain acknowledgement despite being labelled as “women of underprivileged areas” caught between conventional and Muslim ideologies.</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ramis Rauf, Syahruni Junaid, Afriani Ulya, Indra Purnawan Panjaitan, Dhini Yustia Widhyah Saputri, Lucia Arter Lintang Gritantin