Jurnal Mahasiswa Biologi2025-02-05T07:28:45+00:00Zulkarnain[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Filogeni: Jurnal Mahasiswa Biologi merupakan jurnal akses terbuka dan double-blind peer-reviewed yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, tahun 2021. Jurnal ini mengakomodir naskah karya tulis mahasiswa dengan tema Biologi dengan frekuensi terbit tiga kali dalam setahun, yaitu Januari-April, Mei-Agustus, dan September-Desember.</p> karakteristik morfometrik induk kerbau yang dipelihara secara intensif dan semi intensif di Desa Kejambon dan Desa Surajaya2025-01-08T07:28:38+00:00Chrisshinta Iris Edhiningtyas[email protected]Himmatul Hasanah[email protected]<p>Breeders with superior genetics will pass on the gene to the next generation. Efforts to improve the genetic quality and livestock population require selection of breeders to improve good livestock performance. This study aims to determine the comparison of livestock body size with the size required in SNI and the comparison of buffalo with intensive and semi-intensive maintenance systems. This study used a purposive sampling method for sampling. The samples used were pregnant and lactating breeders in Kejambon Village and Surajaya Village. Differences in maintenance systems for female and lactating breeders were analyzed using the t-test. The results showed that the Body Scoring Condition (BCS) value was not significantly different (P>0.05). The body size of pregnant female breeders showed a significant difference (P<0.05) except for shoulder height and body weight. While in lactating female breeders, all parameters were not significantly different (P>0.05). The conclusion is that BCS observations show that pregnant and lactating breeders that are intensively and semi-intensively maintained meet the standards as breeders. In the morphometric measurements of the body of female and pregnant breeders that are intensively and semi-intensively maintained, all meet the standards in SNI. The morphometry of pregnant sows kept intensively was higher than that of semi-intensive sows, while that of lactating sows kept intensively was lower than that of semi-intensive sows.</p>2025-01-08T07:14:15+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Chrisshinta Iris Edhiningtyas, Himmatul Hasanah dan morfometri kelelawar Hipposideros larvatus penghuni Gua Pemetung Bengkulu Utara2025-01-09T12:07:08+00:00Muhammad Farid Fadhlullah[email protected]Armanda Okta Pramita Sari[email protected]Rosi Triana Sari[email protected]Marta Royana BR Pasaribu[email protected]Santi Nurul Kamilah[email protected]<p>Pemetung Cave is located in Padang Bendar Village, North Bengkulu Regency, surrounded by dense foliage with a river flowing near the cave. Based on surveys, the cave is inhabited by a colony of bats, and this research is important because bats have an ecological role in maintaining the balance of the cave ecosystem. This study aims to inventory the types of bats inhabiting Pemetung Cave. The research was conducted using observation methods and direct bat capture within the cave using hand nets. The results showed 15 adult bats and 2 juvenile bats, consisting of 6 males and 11 females. Identification based on morphological characteristics indicated that all the bats were of the species <em>Hipposideros larvatus</em>. Morphometric measurements ranged from 40.4-76.0 mm for body length (HB), 47.7 mm for total body length (TL), 8.9-29.4 mm for tibia length (T), 32.5-64.6 mm for forearm length (FA), 7.3-21.4 mm for ear length (E), and 7.3-14.1 mm for hindfoot length (HF). Pemetung Cave provides a good shelter for <em>Hipposideros larvatus</em> bats, thus serving as a roosting site.</p>2025-01-09T11:55:44+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Santi Nurul Kamilah, Muhammad Farid Fadhlullah, Armanda Okta Pramita Sari, Rosi Triana Sari, Marta Royana BR Pasaribu durasi paparan cahaya matahari terhadap kecepatan pertumbuhan awal tanaman kacang hijau (Vigna radiata) varietas lokal Sumatera Barat2025-01-10T15:01:03+00:00Wandra Apriyoza[email protected]Syamsurizal Syamsurizal[email protected]Shalsa Anggrama[email protected]<p>Sunlight is one of the crucial factors that can affect plant growth, including mung beans (<em>Vigna radiata</em>), which are an important agricultural commodity in Indonesia. This study aims to examine the effect of sunlight exposure duration on the early growth rate of mung beans (<em>V. radiata</em>) local variety from West Sumatra. This research is a quantitative experimental study with treatments including four sunlight exposure durations: control (no light), 4 hours (P1), 6 hours (P2), and 12 hours (P3) per day. The study is designed in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 replications. The observation parameters in this study include plant height, number of leaves, and leaf width as the main parameters. The results showed that the duration of sunlight exposure significantly affected the number of leaves during the early growth phase of mung beans, but did not significantly affect plant height and leaf width. The 12-hour sunlight exposure (P3) provided the best results, with an average plant height of 10.65 cm, 5 leaves, and a leaf width of 2.05 cm. Therefore, adjusting the duration of sunlight exposure is crucial, especially in increasing the number of leaves that contribute to the plant's initial photosynthesis process. These results can serve as a basis for determining the optimal light duration for the cultivation of mung beans in the early growth phase.</p>2025-01-09T14:57:44+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wandra Apriyoza, Shalsa Anggrama, Syamsurizal Syam efektivitas pupuk kandang sapi dan pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.)2025-01-10T14:54:51+00:00Syifa Zalina Ramadhani[email protected]Vernika Zafit[email protected]Syamsurizal Syamsurizal[email protected]<p>Corn (<em>Zea mays</em> L.) is an important commodity as a source of carbohydrates in Indonesia, so proper fertilization is needed to increase its productivity. This study aims to determine the comparison of the effectiveness of cow manure and urea fertilizer on the growth of corn plants. The method used is an experiment with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The parameters measured include plant height and number of leaves. Based on the results of the study, the application of cow manure gave significant results on plant height and number of leaves of corn plants compared to urea fertilizer. The treatment of giving cow manure with a dose of 12 g/plant had better plant height and number of leaves compared to other treatments. The conclusion of this study is that the application of cow manure has a significant effect on plant growth and has the potential to be more effective in increasing the vegetative growth of corn plants.</p>2025-01-10T14:53:32+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Syifa Zalina Ramadhani, Vernika Zafit, Syamsurizal Syamsurizal darah lengkap pada sampel pasien dengan metode automatik dan metode Westergren di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Makassar2025-02-05T04:35:11+00:00Nur Adinda Irtiyah Jaenuddin[email protected]Zulkarnain Zulkarnain[email protected]Sitti Surdianah[email protected]<p>Hematologi merupakan suatu bidang yang mengkaji terkait cara penilaian profil darah yang membantu proses diagnosis kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil darah pasien di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Makassar dan mengetahui determinan yang dapat diakibatkan. Pemeriksaan darah lengkap di BBLK Makassar menggunakan 2 metode. Profil darah rutin diperiksa dengan metode automatik yang melibatkan penggunaan bahan kontrol dan reagen khusus pada <em>hematology analyzer</em>. Sedangkan, pemeriksaan LED dilakukan dengan metode Westergren yang menggunakan EDTA dan NaCl. Data profil darah yang ditemukan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan rumus persentase. Hasil pemeriksaan yang diperoleh dari profil darah pasien berdasarkan parameternya yaitu 30% abnormal pada hemoglobin, 21% abnormal pada leukosit, 59% abnormal pada eosinofil, 1% abnormal pada basofil, 59% abnormal pada neutrofil, 51% abnormal pada limfosit, 51% abnormal pada monosit, 31% abnormal pada hematokrit, 27% abnormal pada eritrosit, 17% abnormal pada MCV, 6% abnormal pada MCH, 4% abnormal pada MCHC, 10% abnormal pada trombosit dan 51% abnormal pada LED. Hasil persentase abnormal ini menunjukkan bahwa profil darah yang diperoleh didominasi oleh kadar normal. Namun pemeriksaan darah lengkap sangat perlu untuk tetap dilakukan dengan tujuan menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari penyakit yang berkaitan dengan profil darah.</p>2025-02-05T04:28:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nur Adinda Irtiyah Jaenuddin, Zulkarnain, Sitti Surdianah ureum dan kreatinin dalam sampel serum darah pasien menggunakan metode fotometrik di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Makassar2025-02-05T07:28:45+00:00Nur Isnaeni[email protected]St. Aisyah Sijid[email protected]Sitti Surdianah[email protected]<p>Ginjal merupakan organ vital yang berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan produk sisa metabolisme dalam bentuk urin. Tes ureum dan kreatinin menjadi alat diagnostik yang efektif untuk mengidentifikasi potensi masalah ginjal dan kinerjanya dalam mengeliminasi senyawa-senyawa sisa metabolisme dari darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kadar ureum dan kreatinin pada sampel serum darah pasien di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Makassar berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia. Metode fotometrik digunakan untuk mengukur kadar substansi dalam serum darah seperti kadar ureum dan kreatinin yang penting untuk menilai fungsi ginjal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan didominasi oleh perempuan sebanyak 128 pasien dan laki-laki sebanyak 72 pasien. Kadar ureum dan kreatinin berdasarkan jenis kelamin menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kadar ureum dan kreatinin tertinggi berada pada jenis kelamin laki-laki dibandingkan perempuan. Sedangkan rata-rata kadar ureum dan kreatinin tertinggi berdasarkan kelompok umur didominasi pada usia 50-60 dan >70 tahun. Dengan memahami perbedaan kadar ureum dan kreatinin berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan usia, tenaga medis dapat melakukan diagnosis yang lebih tepat terhadap gangguan fungsi ginjal.</p>2025-02-05T07:22:28+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nur Isnaeni, St. Aisyah Sijid, Sitti Surdianah