HISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna <div style="border: 3px #4C301D Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #d8d8d8; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li class="show">Journal Title: <a href="https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/">HISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak</a></li> <li class="show">Initials: Hisabuna</li> <li class="show">Frequency: March, June, and November</li> <li class="show">Print ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1602128727" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-7082</a></li> <li class="show">Online ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1602200252" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-7090</a></li> <li class="show">Editor in Chief: Dr. Alimuddin, M.Ag, (<a href="https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58958905000" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Id Scopus: 58958905000</a>), Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia</li> <li class="show">Managing Editor: Nurul Wakiah, ID SINTA&nbsp;<a href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6797845/?view=googlescholar#!">6797845, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia</a></li> <li class="show">DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.24252/hisabuna.v4i3.38116">10.24252</a></li> <li class="show">Publisher: Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar</li> </ol> </div> <p>This journal is to develop academic insights in the field of phalactic science that integrates religion and science as well as related sciences in order to advance science. The scope of the journal is as follows:<br>- Beginning of the Kamariah Month<br>- Prayer Time<br>- Qibla Direction<br>- Eclipse<br>- Astronomy</p> Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar en-US HISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak 2746-7082 Studi Komparatif Sistem Penanggalan Istirhamiah dan Sistem Penanggalan Masehi https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/44335 <p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang Sistem Penanggalan yang di gunakan di Indonesia khususnya pada masyarakat Jawa dan masyarakat umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pustaka atau disebut dengan library research. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan ada dua yaitu pendekatan syar’i dan pendekatan astronomis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 3 perbedaan Penanggalan Istirhamiah dan Penanggalan Masehi. Yang pertama, terletak pada nama-nama Bulan. Nama Bulan pada Penanggalan Istirhamiah yaitu : Miladi, Albaits, Ashifa, Najmi, Shalli, Sallim, Baarik, Samandi, Rahmani, Rahimi, Miratsi, dan Turatsi sedangkan pada Penanggalan Masehi yaitu : Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, dan Desember. Yang kedua terletak pada penentuan Tahun Kabisat. Pada Penanggalan Istirhamiah tahun kabisatnya adalah tahun yang tidak habis dibagi 100, dan tahun yang habis dibagi 400. Sedangkan pada Penanggalan Masehi tahun kabisatnya adalah angka yang habis dibagi 4 dan yang ketiga, terletak pada penentuan tanggal permulaan tahun. Pada Penanggalan Istirhamiah dimulai pada tanggal 12 Mei 1998 sedangkan Penanggalan Masehi dimulai tanggal 1 Januari tahun 1. &nbsp;Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah diharapkan kepada pihak yang berwenang memperluas wawasan tentang penanggalan istirhamiah dan penanggalan masehi&nbsp; serta untuk mengetahui keakuratan penanggalan srcara tepat dan benar.</p> Andi Marwah Marwah Alimuddin Sippah Chotban Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Andi Marwah Marwah, Alimuddin, Sippah Chotban https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 1 20 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.44335 Respon Masyarakat Terhadap Perubahan Arah Kiblat Masjid Di Kecamatan Kajang Kabupaten Bulukumba https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/47352 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The main problem of this research is how the community responds to changes in the direction of the Qibla mosque in Kec Kajang Kab Bulukumba, the subject matter is described in the following sub-problems: 1). What method is used in changing the direction of the Qibla mosque in Kec. Kajang? 2). How did the people of Kec. Kajang respond to the change in the direction of the mosque's qibla? 3). How is the impact of changing the direction of the Qibla mosque on community worship activities in Kajang District? This type of research includes qualitative field research (Field Research). The approach used is the Shari'i approach and the astronomical approach. The primary data source of this study is taken from interviews, secondary data in the form of books and journals related to the Qibla direction. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques are data reduction, data display (data presentation), and verification (conclusion). Data validity testing is data triangulation, observer triangulation, theory triangulation and method triangulation. The results of this study show that 1). The method used in the process of changing the direction of Qibla is by using the method of Compass, Rashdul Qibla and Theodolite. 2). The response of the Kajang community to the change in the direction of Qibla in 3 mosques The response of the Kajang community to the change in the direction of Qibla in 3 mosques is as follows: generally agree that there will be a change in Qibla direction.&nbsp; As for those who reject the change in the direction of Qibla on the grounds that the previous direction of Qibla is correct according to their beliefs. 3). The negative impact of changing the direction of Qibla on community activities or activities is that people feel insecure about these changes, while the positive impact is that the community prefers to pray at home rather than in mosques, people become more diligent in going to mosques. The implications of this study are 1). Facing the Qibla direction is a legal requirement for prayer. So it should be sought so that we are really sure that we have led to the Kaaba by utilizing existing science and technology. 2). The local government through the Ministry of Religious Affairs should be more sensitive in responding to mosques whose Qibla direction is not appropriate or deviated and should also conduct socialization regarding the calibration of the Qibla direction of mosques that are not appropriate or inappropriate. 3). With this research, researchers hope that people can trust more about the existing scientific truth.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Response, Community, Qibla Direction</em></strong></p> Ainun Jaria Halimah B Muhammad Anis Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Ainun Jaria, Halimah B, Muhammad Anis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 21 37 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.47352 Analisis Arah Mata Angin Pada Rumah Bugis dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ilmu Falak di Desa Talungeng Kecamatan Barebbo Kabupaten Bone https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/40653 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Penelitian ini membahas tentang arah mata angin pada rumah Bugis dan implikasinya terhadap Ilmu Falak di Desa Talungeng Kecamatan Barebbo Kabupaten Bone. Jenis Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Adapun metode pengumpulan data, yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa metodologi penentuan arah mata angin pada rumah Bugis di Desa Talungeng Kecamatan Barebbo Kabupaten Bone yakni dengan melihat posisi matahari, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">dengan melihat tempat terbenam ataupun terbitnya matahari</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Adapun implikasi penggunaan arah mata angin pada rumah bugis terhadap Ilmu Falak di Desa Talungeng Kecamatan Barebbo Kabupaten Bone </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">secara tidak langsung memiliki persamaan dengan Ilmu Falak sebagai suatu cabang ilmu yang berkaitan dengan benda-benda langit dalam menerapkan keilmuannya, salah satunya adalah penggunaan matahari sebagai metode yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Desa Talungeng dalam penentuan arah mata angin</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bahwa metodologi penentuan arah mata angin pada rumah Bugis menggunakan posisi terbit dan terbenamnya matahari sebagai salah satu metode dalam penentuan letak arah mata angin perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih mendalam terkait dengan tingkat keakurasiannya dan juga </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">penulis berharap agar tokoh agama ataupun mahasiswa Ilmu Falak itu sendiri dapat lebih memperhatikan dan melakukan sosialisasi terkait arah kiblat yang sebenarnya.</span></p> Nur Fatimah Azzahrah Nurul Wakia Usman Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Nur Fatimah Azzahrah, Nurul Wakia, Usman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 38 62 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.40653 Indonesia https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/40705 <p><em>When doing their vocation as fisherman, the Selayar Islands Regency's fishing community draws on their predecessors' heritage. To decide whether to go to work or not, people look to natural occurrences such as the moon, constellations, the direction of the weather, and the cardinal directions. In fact, technology has advanced quickly in comparison to today, making it simpler for people to meet their needs, including assessing the weather and cardinal directions. This kind of study uses a qualitative field research methodology. The interview method (interview) and documentation method (documentation) are both used to acquire data. The data is descriptively evaluated, describing how constellations are used or utilized as natural occurrences. in the Selayar Islands Regency by fisherman, as well as the moon. This study examines how the fishing industry in the Selayar Islands Regency makes use of natural events to facilitate its operations. So how does the archaeoastronomy of the fishing community in the Selayar Islands Regency fare according to astronomical analysis? They can predict the weather by looking at the stars that show at morning or Crux is located in the constellation Bintoeng Sapo Salayya. So Ursa major is bintoeng purung-purung. The following are the research's ramifications: 1) There are now few persons in the Selayar Islands Regency who are familiar with using constellations to predict the weather and discern the cardinal directions. The fishing population in the Selayar Islands Regency should thus be taught the custom of using cardinal directions and predicting the weather using constellations and the moon, say researchers.before dawn, which helps them decide when to go for work. Additionally, the phenomenon can offer a suggestion for figuring out the cardinal directions. Bintoeng purung-purung, bintoeng Pattaungang, bintoeng sapo salayya, bintoeng pikka-pikka, and bintoeng tallu are the constellations that are employed. What they truly saw was bintoeng tallu, or the constellation Orion, according to astronomy. 2) Because understanding of constellations is still necessary for forecasting weather and cardinal directions, researchers expect that the fishing community in the Selayar Islands Regency will keep up and preserve this tradition. It is undeniable that modern technology, despite its sophistication, is not always reliable, particularly when it comes to forecasting the weather for fishing areas and the cardinal directions.</em></p> Satria Kiljamiawati Nur Aisyah Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Satria, Kiljamiawati, Nur Aisyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 63 82 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.40705 Analisis Teori Bumi Bulat Dan Pasang Surut Air Laut Dalam Pandangan Al-Kindi Perspektif Ilmu Falak https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/40708 <p>Problematika konsep penciptaan bumi dan pengetahuan akan fenomena alam tentu membawa dampak bagi manusia. Al-Kindi menjadi salah satu ilmuwan muslim yang juga mengkaji fenomena tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat hubungan. yang erat antara “kepastian” bentuk bumi pada proses peribadatan umat Islam, yaitu mengenai penentuan arah kiblat, yang di mana berkaitan dengan model perhitungan yang akan digunakan.. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan <em>library research </em>dengan pendekatan&nbsp; filosofis dan astronomi. Dilengkapi data primer dan data sekunder., Pengolahan dan analisis data, melalui proses pengeditan data, transformasi data serta penyajian data. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu al-Kindi mengatakan bahwa bumi terdiri dari unsur yang mempunyai berat yang beragam seperti tanah, air, udara, dan api sehingga bumi berbentuk <em>spherical</em> (bola), menjadi padat dan akhirnya mempunyai bobot (berat).. Al-Kindi mengatakan pasang surut terjadi akibat bulan dan matahari mempengaruhi air di muka bumi. Implikasi penelitian ini bahwa teori bentuk bumi dan fenomena alam banyak dikaji karena sangat berpengaruh dalam proses peribadatan umat manusia, terkhusus umat Islam.l</p> Siti Ratdiyanti Amriana A. Muh. Akmal Imam Permana Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Siti Ratdiyanti Amriana, A. Muh. Akmal, Imam Permana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 83 98 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.40708 Respon Masyarakat Terhadap Perubahan Arah Kiblat Kaleleng Desa Saotengnga Kecamatan Sinjai Tengah Kabupaten Sinjai https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/40599 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana respon masyarakat terhadap perubahan arah kiblat Masjid Nurul Ittihad Kaleleng desa Saotengnga kecamatan Sinjai tengah kabupaten Sinjai. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi lapangan yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif&nbsp; dan melibatkan disiplin ilmu syar’i dan yuridis sosiologi. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah primer dan sekunder. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap perubahan arah kiblat. Penelitian ini melibatkan 5 (lima) Masyarakat. Selanjutnya metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan respon masyarakat terhahap perubahan arah kiblat Masjid Nurul Ittihad Kaleleng desa Saotengnga kecamatan Sinjai tengah kabupaten Sinjai cukup baik, Respon masyarakat terhadap perubahan arah kiblat beranggapan bahwa arah kiblat merupakan arah ka’bah jadi ketika salat wajib menghadap ke kiblat (ka’bah) baik pada saat melakukan salat wajib maupun salat sunnah. Implikasi penelitiannya yaitu Kementerian Agama sebagai pemerintah yang punya tugas dan wewenang diharapkan untuk mengadakan kembali sosialisasi dan penyuluhan pada desa-desa, serta diharapkan Kepada pengurus Masjid setempat agar lebih memperhatikan arah kiblat.&nbsp;</span></p> Tenri Zaja Asdar Rahma Amir Rahmatiah HL Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Tenri Zaja Asdar, Rahma Amir, Rahmatiah HL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 99 113 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.40599 Uji Akurasi Pengukuran Arah Kiblat Masjid Di Kecamatan Panakukang Kota Makassar https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/38809 <p>This study aims to find out how the results of calculating the Qibla direction of the mosque and the accuracy of the Qibla direction of the mosque using the Qibla Tracker, Qibla Arc, and Google Earth instruments. The type of research used is field research which is descriptive qualitative in nature. This study uses an astronomical and syar'i approach. Source of data in this study from primary data and secondary data. Data processing techniques and data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, inference, and verification as well as the final conclusion. The results of the study found that 5 out of the 13 mosques in this study still had an inaccurate Qibla or did not face the true Qibla. Qibla tracker and protractor methods get the same results as the google earth method. The implication of this research is that it is hoped that the local government, especially the KUA, will re-verify the Qibla direction of the mosque in order to correct the deviation that has occurred. In addition, it is necessary to socialize the accuracy of the Qibla direction to the community and provide a basic understanding to the community regarding the importance of the Qibla direction in carrying out worship, as well as the instruments used in determining the Qibla direction.</p> <p>Keywords : Accuracy, Qibla Direction, MosqueThis study aims to find out how the results of calculating the Qibla direction of the mosque and the accuracy of the Qibla direction of the mosque using the Qibla Tracker, Qibla Arc, and Google Earth instruments. The type of research used is field research which is descriptive qualitative in nature. This study uses an astronomical and syar'i approach. Source of data in this study from primary data and secondary data. Data processing techniques and data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, inference, and verification as well as the final conclusion. The results of the study found that 5 out of the 13 mosques in this study still had an inaccurate Qibla or did not face the true Qibla. Qibla tracker and protractor methods get the same results as the google earth method. The implication of this research is that it is hoped that the local government, especially the KUA, will re-verify the Qibla direction of the mosque in order to correct the deviation that has occurred. In addition, it is necessary to socialize the accuracy of the Qibla direction to the community and provide a basic understanding to the community regarding the importance of the Qibla direction in carrying out worship, as well as the instruments used in determining the Qibla direction.<br>Keywords : Accuracy, Qibla Direction, Mosque</p> Zahra Ridha Magfirah SR Musdalifah Thahir Maloko Irfan Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Zahra Ridha Magfirah SR Musdalifah, Thahir Maloko, Irfan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 114 135 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.38809 HISTORISITAS DAN FORMULASI KALENDER BILANG TAUNG BUGIS PERSPEKTIF ILMU FALAK https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/48882 <p><em>This article discusses the historicity and formulation of the said taung Bugis calendar from the perspective of falak. The main problem in this study is how is the historicity and formulation of the said taung Bugis calendar from the perspective of falak, which is described into several problem formulations: 1) What is the history of the Said Taung Bugis calendar?, 2) How is the formulation of the Said Taung Bugis calendar from the perspective of science?. The objectives of this study are: 1) To find out the history of the Bilang Taung Bugis calendar, 2) To find out the formulation of the Said Taung Bugis calendar from the perspective of science. </em><em>The Bilang Taung Bugis calendar as a dating system of the Bugis people comes from an ancient manuscript called Lontara Katakan. This calendar has a number of days as many as 365 days that use the same solar circulation system as the Gregorian calendar. The beginning of the year of this calendar begins on May 16 in the Gregorian calendar or 1 Sarawanai in the Bugis calendar. The calculation made in making the conversion is based on the conversion analysis of the Bugis-Makassar Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar by Muh. Fadil Student of UIN Walisongo Semarang. The calculation is taken from the beginning of each month in the Bugis calendar, starting from the month of Sarawanai to the month of Jettai.</em><em> The Bilang Taung Bugis calendar besides being used by the Bugis tribe is also used by the Makassar tribe. The names in this calendar include: Sarawanai, Padawaranai, Sujiari, Pacingkai, Posiyai, Mangasirai, Magasettiwi, Mangalompai, Nagai, Palagunai, Biasakai, and Jettai. The implementation of this calendar can be applied to convert the calendar to the Gregorian and Hijri calendars. The presence of this research is expected to make a major contribution in efforts to preserve local wisdom owned by the Bugis community.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Historicity, Formulation, Calendar Bilang Taung, Science Falak</em></strong></p> Nur Lela Jasdar Agus Adriana Mustafa Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Nur Lela, Jasdar Agus, Adriana Mustafa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 136 149 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.48882 Development of the Qamariyah Syamsiyah Moon Phase Detector (QaSyM PD) Instrument with All Time Date https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/46370 <p><em>This article discusses the Development of Qamariyah Shamsiyah Moon Phase Detector (QaSyM PD) Instrument with All-Time Dating. The problem formulations in this thesis are 1) How is the QaSyM PD Instrument in determining the phases of the moon in Qamariyah and Shamsiyah, 2) How the Development of QaSyM PD Instrument can be valid for all time. This study uses Research and Development (RnD) research which means development research in this case the instrument by adopting the 4 D model namely Define, Design, Developing, and Dissemination. The results of this study indicate that the QaSyM PD Instrument with innovations made by researchers in the development of its dating can be valid for all time. With several stages that change the layers of the instrument starting from the first layer of the Shamsiyah calendar (Gregorian Calendar), the second layer of the Qamariyah Calendar (Hijriyah Calendar) and the third layer of moonrise and sunset times. The development of the QaSyM PD Instrument was carried out with validation and testing stages carried out through supporting data and applications. So as to produce an instrument that is valid for all time. The implication of this research is that this instrument is expected to make an educational contribution to the community, especially those who are unfamiliar with Falak Science. This research also has implications for the development of technology and science in the field of Falak Science and astronomy which can encourage further research to understand the motion of the moon with a simpler system.</em></p> Annisa Nurfadilah Rasyawan Syarif Fatmawati Copyright (c) Juni, 2024 Annisa Nurfadilah, Rasyawan Syarif, Fatmawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 150 174 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.46370 Test of the Accuracy of Measuring the Qibla Direction of Mosques and Graves in the Malino Village, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/article/view/38480 <p>Determining the Qibla direction for mosques and tombs in Malino Village, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency still uses a simple method due to the lack of public knowledge regarding the urgency of determining the Qibla direction even outside the tolerance limit. This research is a field research that applies qualitative research methods, using syar'i, astronomy and sociology approaches. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. The purpose of this study is to understand the method of determining the Qibla direction of mosques and tombs in the Malino Village, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency, therefore it is necessary to re-measure to find out the actual Qibla direction by using several <br>to determine the accuracy of Qibla direction. In this study there are five mosques and two graves which are used as examples regarding the position of the Qibla direction. The results showed that the accuracy of the Qibla direction at mosques and tombs in the Malino Village, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency was still inaccurate. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to socialize and pay attention to the Qibla direction in mosques and graves.</p> Nuraeni Mahyuddin Latuconsina Subehan Khalik Copyright (c) Juni,2024 Nuraeni, Mahyuddin Latuconsina, Subehan Khalik https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 2 175 196 10.24252/hisabuna.v5i2.38480