A Comparative Study Of The Ability To Read Al-Qur'an Of Students With The Iqra Method And The Bagdadi Method In SD Negeri 15 Bungku Morowali District

  • Sitti Zakiah Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


The subject matter of this research is the difference in the ability to read the Qur'an of participants through the Iqra and Bagdadi methods at SD Negeri 15 Bungku, Morowali Regency. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the Iqra method is a method that refers to the pattern of education by providing opportunities for students to improve their abilities, that is, without spelling; not introducing in advance the names of the hijaiyah letters, punctuation marks or harakat, but directly taught the sounds of A, Ba, Ta, the application of the iqra method that students, so that students must be encouraged to be active and the teacher only guides, the teacher only explains the subject matter and after the students are clear and can, then the students are told to read the next reading themselves and the teacher only listens. In the learning process of reading the Quran in the iqra method, the teacher directly gives examples to the students so that they can practice it directly, and if the reading is not smooth.

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