Kelurahan Anabanua Kabupaten Wajo memiliki area pertanian cukup luas sehingga mayoritas masyarakat disana bekerja sebagai petani, oleh karena itu kebutuhan akan solar sangat tinggi untuk membajak sawah. Hal ini kemudian pihak PT. Pertamina kewalahan memenuhi penyediaan bahan bakar tersebut. Memanfaatkan keadaan ini kemudian terdapat oknum yang ikut menjual solar juga. Rumusan masalah yaitu 1) Bagaimana praktik jual beli bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis solar di Kelurahan Anabanua Kabupaten Wajo 2) Bagaimana ketentuan hukum ekonomi syariah terhadap praktik jual beli bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis solar di Kelurahan Anabanua Kabupaten Wajo. Penelitian ini bersifat tinjauan lapangan (field research) dan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Jual beilii Bahan Bakar Miinyak (BBM) jeiniis solar rukun dan syarat peinjual yang harus diipeinuhii oleih piihak peinjual dan peimbeilii teilah teirpeinuhii oleih meireika. Rukun jual beilii yaknii peinjual, peimbeilii, lafal akad, dan barang yang diipeirjualbeiliikan sudah teirpeinuhii beiseirta syarat-syarat yang harus diipeinuhii. Akan teitapii, siifat jual beilii Bahan Bakar Miinyak (BBM) jeiniis solar teirdapat unsur peiniipuannya (Gharar)
Kata Kunci: Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM), Hukum Islam, Jual Beli
Anabanua Village, Wajo Regency has a large enough agricultural area so that the majority of the people there work as farmers, therefore the need for diesel fuel is very high to plow the fields. It is then the PT. Pertamina is overwhelmed to meet the supply of fuel. Taking advantage of this situation, there are people who also sell diesel fuel. The formulation of the problem is 1) How is the practice of buying and selling diesel fuel (BBM) in Anabanua Village, Wajo Regency 2) What are the provisions of sharia economic law regarding the practice of buying and selling diesel fuel (BBM) types of diesel in Anabanua Village, Wajo Regency. This research is a field research and uses qualitative research methods. Collecting data in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. Sale and purchase of fuel oil (BBM) is diesel according to the terms and conditions of the seller that must be fulfilled by the seller and the buyer must be met by the dealer. The pillars of sale and purchase are the seller, the buyer, the wording of the contract, and the goods being sold and bought have already been met, including the conditions that must be met. However, the nature of buying and selling diesel fuel (BBM) has an element of deception (Gharar).
Keywords: Fuel Oil (BBM), Islamic Law, Buying and Selling.
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