• Miftahul Arifin
  • Mustari UIN Alauddin Makassar


This research has a main problem, namely the missionary strategy of Tuan Haj teacher Ridwan Umar in increasing the understanding of the Koran in the community in Rai Oi Village, Bima Regency. The sub problems of this research are: 1) What are the efforts made by the Hajj teacher Ridwan Umar in increasing the understanding of the Koran in the community in Rai Oi Village, Bima Regency from 2010-2020?, 2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for the preaching of Tuan Haji Ridwan Umar in increasing people's understanding of the Koran in Rai Oi Village, Bima Regency from 2010-2020? The aims of this research are 1). To find out the efforts made by the Hajj teacher Ridwan Umar in increasing the understanding of the Koran in the community in Rai Oi Village, Bima Regency from 2010-2020. 2). To find out the inhibiting and supporting factors for the preaching of Tuan Haj teacher Ridwan Umar in increasing people's understanding of the Koran in Rai Oi Village, Bima Regency from 2010-2020. This type of research is qualitative research using a da'wah management approach. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. Data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research show some of the efforts made by the Hajj teacher Ridwan Umar in increasing the understanding of the Koran in the village of Rai Oi, Bima Regency, using the following strategies: 1) The recitation strategy is reciting the verses of the Qur'an beautifully and in accordance with the tajwid at religious events, 2). The tazkiyah strategy is to purify the soul by giving advice on the importance of reading the Koran, 3). The ta'lim strategy is to hold training on recitation of the Qur'an and tahfiz as well as providing training to Koran teachers in Rai Oi Village. Supporting and inhibiting factors for TGH Ridwan Umar's da'wah increase the understanding of the Koran in the community in Rai Oi Village, Bima Regency. The supporting factors are: 1) Strong determination to develop children's potential. 2) Support from family and relatives, 3) Support from the community, 4) Support from the Bima Regency government. The inhibiting factors are: 1) Activities outside the area are rather congested, 2) Public. The implication of this research is coaching recitations that must be maintained for the community, especially for children as the next generation of istiqomah efforts to continue reading the Qur'an. Tuan Hajj teacher Ridwan Umar is better able to manage time so that he continues to provide recitation training to the community during other activities. congested.

Vol. 11 No. 1 April 2023
Abstract viewed = 48 times