• Nur Aisyah
  • Mahmuddin
  • Fatimah


The main problem in this research is how to review management of da'wah on the implementation of the Appaddekko Tradition in Sampulungan Village, North Galesong District,Takalar Regency? The sub-problems of the subject matter are as follows: 1). How is the Appaddekko Tradition Implementation Procession in Sampulungan Village, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency? 2). How to Apply the Da'wah Management Function to the Appaddekko Tradition in Sampulungan Village, North Galesong District, Regency Takalar? The purpose of this research is to describe implementation procession and understand the application of the da'wah management functionin the Appaddekko tradition in Sampulungan Village, North Galesong District Takalar District. Researchers used this type of qualitative descriptive research located in Sampulungan Village, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency. The research approach used is the da'wah management approach. Sources of data needed are: secondary data and primary data. The samples used as data sources in the research were: traditional leaders, traditional heads, community leaders and other data sources that were used as supports in the research. Data collection methods are observation, interviews/interviews, documentation and literature study. The instruments in this study used interview guides, cameras, notebooks and pens. Data processing and analysis techniques are carried out by data reduction, data display, drawing conclusions and verification. The results of research conducted by researchers obtained by interview data. The procession of carrying out the Appaddekko tradition starts from assoro maca doangang (reading a prayer), ritual pilgrimage to the grave of Karaeng Sampulungan in the village cemetery, visiting bungung barania (well of brave people), then surrounding the poko nita to the main ceremony, namely the rice pounding ceremony and the siganrang alu na dance stone The application of the management function of da'wah to the implementation of the Appaddekko tradition, namely, planning da'wah (planning. takhtith) first conducting joint deliberations, organizing (organizing, al thanzim) the implementing committee of the Appaddekko tradition carrying out socialization or meetings to get to know the division of tasks from each division so that activities are carried out properly good and directed, actuating da'wah (actuating, tajwih) of community leaders and the committee involved in praying together before carrying out the Appaddekko ceremony for the purpose of obtaining safety and the blessing of Allah SWT. control and evaluation of da'wah (controlling, riqobah) at this stage the activities that have been carried out are corrected properly so that in the future this Appaddekko tradition will be even better.

Vol. 11 No. 1 April 2023
Abstrak viewed = 79 times