• Risna Marsayanti
  • Audah Mannan UIN Alauddin Makassar


The main problem of this research is how the leadership strategy of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication in improving the quality of students. Based on the subject matter, it is described in several sub-problems, namely: 1) What is the leadership strategy of the leadership of the faculty of da'wah and communication at UIN Alauddin Makassar in improving the quality of students? 2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by the leadership of the da'wah and communication faculty in improving the quality of students at UIN Alauddin Makassar? This type of research is a qualitative research with the research approach used is the da'wah management approach. The data collection method used is interview observation and documentation. The data processing and data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions and testing the validity of the data. The results showed that the leadership strategy of the faculty of da'wah and communication in improving the quality of students at the State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar, namely: The leadership strategy of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication in improving the quality of students at UIN Alauddin Makassar, namely: binding leadership strategy by implementing strategic steps including: planning, organization, implementation, and supervision. Supporting and inhibiting factors for the leadership of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication in Improving Student Quality. Supporting Factors for the Leadership of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication in Improving the Quality of Students, namely: Lecturer Performance, Facilities and Infrastructure. Inhibiting Factors are: Student Self Awareness, Lecturer Performance. The implications of the research, with this research, it is hoped that faculty leaders can contribute more, be creative, innovative and coordinate academic and non-academic activities of students in an effort to improve the quality of students at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication. It is hoped that the performance of lecturers can be further improved by evaluating and strengthening the competence of lecturers and making interesting methods in providing learning materials in order to be able to increase the enthusiasm of students in attending lectures and to ensure that knowledge transfer takes place both between students and between students and lecturers and vice versa. support the objectivity of the learning achievement assessment system.

Vol. 11 No. 1 April 2023
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