• Henni Wulandari Saputri UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • St. Aisyah BM UIN Alauddin Makassar


This research discusses "What are the preacher's strategies for minimizing people's views which then become two substantive problems, namely: 1) What is the process of implementing the pattutoang tradition in Bissoloro Village? 2) What is Dai's strategy for minimizing people's views on the Pattutoang tradition. The aims of this research are (1) To find out how the process of implementing the pattutoang tradition in Bissoloro Village is. (2) To find out what the preacher's strategy is in minimizing people's views on the Pattutoang tradition.

            This type of research is qualitative research using anthropological, religious and historical approaches. The data sources for this research are: traditional leaders, community leaders and other theses. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were observation, interviews, field notes and documentation. Data management and analysis techniques are carried out using data classification, word reduction, and data editing.

The research results show that the pattutoang traditional process involves preparing ordinary rice, wax, black and white sticky rice, chicken, leko', rappo, coconut, incense, thread, incense, eggs, cigarettes/matches, money, drinking water. Then the offerings are delivered to the grave, where they are received by the pinati. Dai's strategy for minimizing people's views on the pattutoang tradition is by providing understanding to people who practice the pattutoang tradition, providing understanding to their children and grandchildren, and providing understanding to the surrounding community or the local community.

The implications of this research are: 1. It is hoped that the implementation of the Pattutoang tradition can reduce things that lead to polytheism. Straighten your beliefs so that there is no understanding that not carrying out certain rituals will not bring disaster. 2. In implementing the pattutoang tradition, there must be special guidance regarding the methods used in implementing this tradition, both in terms of behavior and belief, so that there is no conflict between religion and behavior in this tradition. 3. Religion and tradition must be in harmony because religion contains rules and instructions from Allah SWT. Meanwhile, traditions are habits that are carried out repeatedly based on human perception.

Keywords: Dai's Strategy, The Pattutoang Tradition, Human Perception

Vol. 11 No. 2 Oktober 2023
Abstrak viewed = 7 times