Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Peradaban is a journal published twice a year, namely in June and December by the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, Alauddin State Islamic University, Makassar. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Peradaban which has been published since 2015 examines various conventional accounting and sharia accounting sciences that seek to present the results of scientific research from scientists, professionals, scholars and researchers to be published and disseminated through the print edition and the Open Journal System. The scope of them:

1. Management Accounting

2. Tax Accounting

3. Accounting for Social Responsibility

4. Public Sector Accounting

5. Accounting Education

6. Financial Auditing

7. Accounting Information System

8. Forensic Accounting

9. Behavioral Accounting

10. Environmental Accounting

11. Financial Accounting


The main topics (and not limited) in Journal of Multiparadigm Accounting are:

1. Accounting - Religion

2. Accounting - Culture

3. Accounting - Philosophy

4. Accounting - Gender

5. Accounting - Entrepreneurship

6. Accounting - Agriculture

7. Accounting - Political Economy

8. Accounting - Households

9. Accounting - Spirituality of Ethics

10. Accounting - Capital Market Based