The ethical guidelines for the publication process in Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi are based on the 2017 Core Practices of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The workflow of the journal must represent the following principles:

(1) Originality and Plagiarism: All articles submitted to the journal must be original and not plagiarized. Plagiarism is a severe breach of publication ethics and includes using someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution. The journal will use plagiarism detection software (Turnitin) to check the originality of submitted articles, and any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with appropriately. For example, if plagiarism is detected in an article, the article may be rejected, and the authors may be banned from submitting it to the journal.
(2) Authorship and Contributorship: All authors listed in an article should have made significant contributions to the research and have approved the final version of the manuscript. The journal follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) definition of authorship, which state that authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. For example, an author should have been involved in the study's design, data collection, analysis of data, and manuscript writing. The journal also expects all authors to accurately reflect their contributions to the research in the authorship list.
(3) Confidentiality: All information and materials related to a submitted article should be confidential and not disclosed to anyone outside the review process. Reviewers should also keep the information confidential and not use any knowledge gained from the review for their benefit. The whistle-blowers' identity of potential ethical misconduct will be safeguarded. For example, a reviewer should not use any information from a submitted article to publish their research or to approach the authors with commercial offers.
(4) Conflict of Interest: All authors and reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest that may influence the publication's accuracy, objectivity, or integrity. Conflicts of interest include but are not limited to, financial relationships, academic collaborations, and personal relationships. For example, if an author has received funding from a company for their research, they should declare this in the acknowledgement sub-section in the manuscript (Please see the journal template).
(5) Data Fabrication and Falsification: The journal strictly prohibits data fabrication or results falsification. Any infringements will result in the retraction of the article. For example, if it is found that an author has fabricated data in their research, the journal will retract the article, and the authors will face appropriate sanctions.
(6) Research with Human and Animal Participants: The journal expects all authors to adhere to ethical guidelines for the conduct of research with human and animal participants. All articles submitted to the journal must include a statement on the ethical approval obtained for the study. This requirement will be required for each submitted article with survey method or interviews from July 2023 onward. Ethical consent will be obtained from the relevant ethics committee.