Title (Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Uppercase)
Author1, Author 2,
1Affiliation (Department, Faculty, University)
Affiliation Address (Street, City, Country, Postal Code)
2Affiliation (Department, Faculty, University)
Affiliation Address (Street, City, Country, Postal Code)
Abstract: Abstract is written in English, not exceeded from 150-300 words in one paragraph, including the summary along with the background, the purpose of the research, findings and conclusion.
Keywords: abstract, article template, book, chapter, keywords about 5 words written alphabetically
Introduction (12, bold)
Provide the background, reason, and purpose of the research. This is the essential part for the readers who do not familiar with the topic.
The background includes the previous journals related to the topic of the research. The purpose of the research is placed at the end of the introduction. The citation on text is ”name and year” (e.g: Albert, 2009 or Albert et al., 2014). If there are two authors use ”&” (e.g: Albert & Grey, 2003).
Al-Baqarah verse 102.
وَمَآ أُنزِلَ عَلَى ٱلۡمَلَكَيۡنِ بِبَابِلَ هَٰرُوتَ وَمَٰرُوتَۚ ١٠٢
“teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut”.
Materials and Methods (12, bold)
The study was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory.
Research method and data analysis should be explained. The method used, including how to use the tools, should be written in detail if it is a new method that has never been published. Unit of measurement uses international standard unit (g, kg, L, cm) and writing model g/L. If the research uses some strains/isolates/strains, they should be written in table form with the identity (name, code, number of collection, source and other characters).
Discussions are presented clearly and informative. Data discussed by comparing the data obtained with the previous data. Explaining the similarities and differences as well as demonstrate the uniqueness of the invention.
Conclusion (12, bold)
The conclusion is the summary of the issue presented. Suggestion should be based on the research findings and refer for the future research.
Address appreciations to people who play the main role in the research, such as the research sponsor and those who assist the research process (institution or individual).
References (12, bold)
- Adapted reference is 70% scientific journals, better with DOI number
- Use APSA (American Political Science Association) style, Alphabetically.
Book:Hefner, Robert. 2009. “Introduction: The Political Cultures of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia,” in Making Modern Muslims: The Politics of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia, ed. Robert Hefner, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.Feener, Michael R., and Mark E. Cammack, eds. 2007. Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and Institutions. Cambridge: Islamic Legal Studies Program.
Journal:Booth, Anne. 1988. “Living Standards and the Distribution of Income in Colonial Indonesia: A Review of the Evidence.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 19(2): 310–34.
Dissertation:Wahid, Din. 2014. Nurturing Salafi Manhaj: A Study of Salafi Pesantrens in Contemporary Indonesia. PhD dissertation. Utrecht University.
Newspaper:Utriza, Ayang. 2008. “Mencari Model Kerukunan Antaragama.” Kompas. March 19: 59.Law: Ms. Undhang-Undhang Banten, L.Or.5598, Leiden University.
- Interview: Interview with K.H. Sahal Mahfudz, Kajen, Pati, June 11th, 2007.