Perspektif Sosiologi

  • Sakaruddin UIN Alauddin Makassar


The concept and definition of poverty is an important starting point for discussion, considering that the concept of poverty is the background of the approach used in reducing poverty and the choice of indicators to monitor poverty conditions. Poverty is a very complex multidimensional problem, not only measured by income, but also concerning the vulnerability and vulnerability of a person or group of people, both men and women, to become poor.

From the aspect of genesis, poverty is actually a social pathological phenomenon that has become a world heritage from time to time. The whole world in a global perspective has experienced poverty despite the prosperity achieved by many countries today. At the current national scale, poverty is increasingly rampant and difficult to control, although based on available data, the number of poverty rates in the New Order era was quite astonishing in the world. Prior to the crisis in 1997, Indonesia became a model of development for the
world which was recognized as having succeeded in significantly reducing poverty. The success achieved cannot be separated from the development carried out in many fields consistently and thoroughly.

Explaining poverty as a condition that describes the multiplicity of deficiencies experienced by individuals or groups of people in its various dimensions, can be explained sociologically using various theoretical points of view. To explain this, Giddens Structural Theory is used as an approach in analyzing this problem in a limited way.

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