MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir2025-01-05T13:00:13+00:00Muhammad Irham[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong><em>Kasyful Murad Journal of Al-Qur'an Studies and Tafsir</em> </strong>is a journal of the Postgraduate Masters Study Program at UIN Alauddin Makassar which was established on November 1, 2022. The aim of the establishment was to publish scientific papers and student theses as well as lecturers' scientific works related to Al-Qur'an Studies and Tafsir. The process of reviewing works through OJS pathways by prioritizing the use of Turnitin tools to avoid plagiarism and Mendeley for citation applications. This journal is managed by a group of professors in the field of Al-Qur'an and Interpretation Studies and a range of lecturers who are involved in the study of Al-Qur'an and Interpretation Studies.</p> <p>Kasyful Murad Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an dan Tafsiradalah jurnal Prodi Magister Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar didirikan pada tanggal 1 November 2022. Tujuan pendirian untuk menerbitkan makalah-makalah ilmiyah dan tesis mahasiswa serta karya ilmiyah dosen terkait Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir. Proses penelaahan karya melalui jalur-jalur OJS dengan mengedepankan pemanfaatn tools turnitin untuk menghindari plagiasi dan mendeley untuk aplikasi citasi. Jurnal ini dikelolah oleh sekelompok guru besar dalam bidang Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir dan jajaran dosen yangberkecimpuang dalam kajian Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir. </p> CONCEPT OF AL-JĀR IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE QUR'AN (A STUDY OF MAUDU'I INTERPRETATION)2024-12-28T07:54:04+00:00Irzandi Ali[email protected]M. Galib M[email protected]Andi Miswar[email protected]Muhsin Mahfudz[email protected]Zakir Husain[email protected]<p>This study discusses al-jār by tracing and analyzing the verses that use the term jawara in the Qur'ān. The objectives of this study are, 1) to analyze the nature of al-jār in the Qur'an; 2) to analyze the form of al-jār in the Qur'an; and 3) to know the urgency of al-jār in the Qur'an. This research is a qualitative library research. This research uses a tafsir approach and a sociology approach. The data collected and analyzed based on the steps of mauḍū'ī interpretation. The results show that, 1) The term al-jār with its various derivations occurs 13 times in the Qur'an. Al-Jār is a helper, protector or a close person. Neighbors are called al-jār because in neighborly life they should help each other and help each other, especially when they are in trouble; 2) There are several forms of the meaning of al-jār in the Qur'an. In addition to meaning neighbor, al-jār also means protecting and helping, tolerance, side by side and deviation; and 3) The functions of the verses of al-jār in the Qur'an include a) commanding to treat neighbors well; b) encouraging mutual help and tolerance; and c) showing the power of Allah swt that there is no protector and help except from Him.</p>2024-12-23T08:28:22+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir OF SOCIAL ETHICS IN SAYYANG PATTU'DU TRADITION IN POLEWALI MANDAR SOCIETY (LIVING QUR'AN STUDY)2024-12-28T04:03:46+00:00Dewi Sartika[email protected]Rosmini[email protected]Muhammad Rafi’y Rahim[email protected]Makmur[email protected]ST. Nur Syahidah Dzaitun Nurain[email protected]<p>The results showed that 1). The process of implementing the <em>sayyang pattu'du </em>tradition must be started from a child who has completed the Qur'an, and there are two forms of implementing this tradition in the community, namely carried out individually which is usually coupled with a wedding event, or the Qur'an's khataman event itself, sometimes it is also done collectively which is usually held in the month of maulid. The series of events in this tradition such as barazanji, <em>marrattas </em>baca (breaking the reading) as an attestation that the child has graduated from the Koran, and paraded around the village. 2). Social ethics reflected in this tradition are, deliberation, helping, and mutual respect. 3). <em>sayyang pattu'du </em>tradition in the study of <em>living </em>Qur'an there are several forms, such as giving the highest appreciation to children who have completed the Qur'an inspired by QS al-Mujadilah/58: 11, using certain verses in the practice of <em>sayyang pattu'du </em>tradition such as reading <em>lailahaillallah </em>and surah al-Mu'minun/23: 14, as a medium to broadcast the teachings of the Qur'an through tambourine music and mandar verses.</p>2024-12-28T04:03:45+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir OF THE QUR’AN ON SITALLI' VALUES IN NORTH BOTTENG VILLAGE KECAMATAN SIMBORO DISTRICT MAMUJU2024-12-29T07:34:11+00:00Ahmad Dani[email protected]Rahmi Damis[email protected]Akbar Haseng[email protected]Muammar Mukhtar[email protected]Abdul Ghany[email protected]<p>This paper discusses the Qur'anic review of Sitalli' values in the community of Botteng Utara Village, Simboro Sub-district, Mamuju Regency. The main problem is then broken down into several sub-problems or research questions, namely: 1)What is the origin of Sitalli' values in North Botteng Village, Simboro Subdistrict, Mamuju Regency? 2)What is the purpose of Sitalli' values in North Botteng Village, Simboro Subdistrict, Mamuju Regency? 3) How is the Qur'anic Review of Sitalli Values in North Botteng Village, Simboro' Subdistrict, Mamuju Regency? This type of research is classified as qualitative with an interpretive approach, anthropological approach and sociological approach. The data source of this research is obtained from the Qur'an, namely QS Al-Hujurāt/ 49: 12 which then in the interpretation approach takes reference to several books of interpretation such as Kitab tafsir al-Munīr, Kitab tafsir al-Wasīṭ, and Kitab tafsir al-Miṣbāḥ. The data were collected through informants such as the local government, traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders and the local community. Furthermore, the data collection methods used are observation, interview, documentation and literature study. Then the data processing and analysis techniques were carried out by collecting, reducing, displaying and concluding. The results of this study indicate that the Stalli tradition contains virtues namely safety, welfare, prosperity that will be bestowed on the botteng community. The Qur'anic review of Stalli' values on the prohibition of prejudice. The Qur'anic principle of Stalli' values is to present a third party as an arbiter between disputing people who have the characteristics of trustworthiness, reconciliation, love of peace and justice.</p>2024-12-28T07:50:37+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan TafsirṬARĪQAH IN QUR'ANIC PERSPECTIVE (MAUḌŪ'Ī TAFSIR STUDIES)2024-12-29T07:27:37+00:00Muhammad Idris[email protected]Halimah Basri[email protected]Hasyim Haddade[email protected]La Ode Ismail Ahmad[email protected]Muhammad Hasan[email protected]<p>The research conducted is a form of library research that explores and analyzes the literature on ṭarīqah based on the steps of mauḍū'ī interpretation. The objectives of this study are 1) To know the nature of ṭarīqah in the Qur'an; and 2) To know the form of ṭarīqah in the Qur'an. The study results indicate that in the Qur'an, ṭarīqah is defined as a path, both in its fundamental and symbolic meanings, representing the path taken in life, encompassing thoughts, beliefs, schools of thought, temperament, behavior, and habits. The term ṭarīqah, in its various forms of derivation, is mentioned 11 times in the Qur'an, including in QS al-Nisā'/4: 168, QS al-Nisā'/4: 169, QS al-Mu'minūn/23: 17, QS Ṭāha/20: 63, QS Ṭāha/20: 77, QS Ṭāha/20: 104, QS al-Aḥqāf/46: 30, QS al-Jinn/72: 11, QS al-Jinn/72: 16, QS al-Tāriq/86: 1, and QS al-Tāriq/86: 2. The term ṭarīqah is used in four forms in the Qur'an, including ṭarīqah, ṭarīq, ṭarāiq, and ṭāriq. The meanings of ṭarīqah in the Qur'an include the path (both real and symbolic), customs and habits, thoughts, beliefs and religions, sects or factions, and celestial bodies.</p>2024-12-29T07:27:36+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir'ANIC VALUES IN THE TRADITION OF "BULO A'JAPPA TAMANG MENGGONGA RI JIPANG" IN JIPANG VILLAGE, SOUTH BONTONOMPO DISTRICT, GOWA REGENCY2024-12-29T09:03:00+00:00Nurhikma R[email protected]Sohrah[email protected]Firdaus[email protected]Khaerul Asfar[email protected]Akhmad Bazith[email protected]<p>This research discusses the value of Al-Quran Values in the Bulo A'jappa Tamang Menggonga Ri Jipang Tradition. The purpose of this research is 1) to find out the views of the Jipang community regarding the <em>bulo a'jappa tamang menggonga ri jipang </em>tradition 2) to find out the relationship between the values of the Qur'an with the <em>bulo a'jappa tamang menggonga ri jipang </em>tradition, and 3) to find out the implications of the values of the <em>bulo a'jappa tamang menggonga ri jipang </em>tradition on the Jipang community. This research is a qualitative research in the form of <em>field </em>research using interpretive and phenomenological approaches. Data sources were obtained from interviews with traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders, people who vowed, pinati and the general public and then analyzed using interpretative and phenomenological approaches. The results showed that 1) there are 3 different views of the Jipang community related to the bulo a'jappa tamang menggonga ri Jipang tradition, the first view that agrees with the tradition, the second view that disagrees and the third view that is neutral. 2) There are several links between the values of the Qur'an and the tradition of bulo a'jappa tamang menggonga ri Jipang, including: the value of friendship (QS al-Nisā'/ 4: 1), the value of cooperation/help (QS Al-Māidah/5: 3), the value of gratitude (QS Ibrahīm/14: 7), the value of tawhid (QS al-Ikhlās/112: 1-4), the value of istikamah (QS al-Saff/ 61: 2-3). 3) The implications of the values of the <em>bulo a'jappa tamang menggonga ri jipang </em>tradition for the Jipang community include: as a forum for friendship, fostering an attitude of cooperation / helping, creating mutual respect, teaching an attitude of istikamah, and fostering gratitude</p>2024-12-29T09:02:59+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir THE TRACES OF VERSE AL-SHIFAH IN 6TH CENTURY TAFSIRS2025-01-05T13:00:13+00:00Muhammad Sadik Sabry[email protected]Muhammad Irham[email protected]Abdul Khaliq Yunus[email protected]Mariani[email protected]Umar[email protected]<p>This study aims to determine the concept of mutāsyabih and verse al-ṣifāt, the tendency of tafsir that emerged in the VI century AH, and the pattern of exegesis of verse al-ṣifāt in the tafsir treasures of the VI century AH. The type of research used in this dissertation is library research with a focus on conducting a study of books, literature, records that have a close relationship with the problem to be solved or solved. The approach used in this research is a multidisciplinary approach with tafsir, kalam, and historical approaches. The result of this study is that Verse al-sifāt is understood as verses that discuss the attributes of God. The specific tendency of Qur'anic exegesis is influenced by several factors, including differences in the depth and variety of knowledge mastered, differences in the motivation of the mufassir, differences in the mission carried out, differences in the situation and conditions faced, and differences in the time and environment surrounding the sixth century hijri, the exegesiss that were born had different tendencies; The exegesis of verse al-ṣifāt done by tafsir scholars in the sixth century hijri turned out to be no longer fully emotionally attached to the school of thought they adhered to. This research can be used as an additional reference and a new way of looking at the verse of al-shifah in the world of exegesis.</p>2024-12-30T14:01:20+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir'ANIC INSIGHTS ON FARID PONIMAN'S STIFIN CONCEPT2024-12-31T07:50:33+00:00Muhammad Gibran[email protected]Mardan[email protected]Aisyah Arsyad[email protected]Muahammad Agus[email protected]Salehuddin Mattawang[email protected]<p><em>STIFIn </em>is a concept to increase human intelligence based on the intelligence map generated by the biometric system in human fingerprints and relying on the dominant part of the brain in humans. This concept is presented by Farid Poniman based on scientific experience and develops pre-existing theories such as the theory of brain quadrants or functions described by Carl Gustav Jung, then the theory of types of intelligence by Nedhermann and the <em>triune brain </em>theory described by Paul Maclean. Then to respond to the question of Allah swt in QS. al-Zāriyat / 51: 21 about the potential that Allah swt gives to humans. Then the <em>STIFIn </em>concept comes by providing 5 aspects that are developed in humans based on the intelligence machine formulated by <em>STIFIn</em>, namely; <em>Sensing, thinking, intuiting, feeling, </em>and <em>instinct. </em>Then look at the various terms in the Qur'an that intersect with the five <em>STIFIn </em>concepts</p>2024-12-31T07:50:31+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir OF THE INFAQ CONCEPT WITH THE DONATION SYSTEM AT PONDOK PESANTREN TAHFDZUL QUR'AN ZAM-ZAM MAKASSAR2024-12-31T08:20:37+00:00Awaluddin[email protected]Achmad Abubakar[email protected]Fuad Fansuri[email protected]Imam Zarkasyi Mubhar [email protected]Amrullah Harun[email protected]<p>This article discusses the implementation of the infaq concept with a donation system. This research is qualitative field research. This research uses an interpretive approach, a sociological approach and a psychological approach. The data sources for this research consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained from observations and interviews. The results of the research show that, 1) infaq is donating or giving material, namely some property in the way of Allah swt to other people because they hope for a reward from Allah swt. The infaq verses in the Qur’an are spread across 25 surahs. 2) The Zam-Zam Makassar Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School is a boarding school with a single donor, namely H. Husain as the owner of the Makassar Zam-Zam Al-Ikhlas Foundation. The establishment of the Islamic boarding school, operational costs, student scholarships and various other accommodations are fully borne by the single donor. 3) The motivation for giving is based on QS al-Baqarah/2: 245 and 261 which talks about multiple rewards for people who give, hoping for rewards, good deeds and provisions in the Hereafter. 4) Implementation of the infaq concept with a single donation system at the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Zam-Zam Makassar is the development of the Islamic Boarding School both in terms of infrastructure, quality of Al-Qur'an education, and social services for the surrounding community. The research has implications for the importance of knowledge about charity so that it becomes motivation in carrying out charity activities, especially for Islamic boarding school educational institutions.</p>2024-12-31T08:20:36+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KASYFUL MURAD: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir