PABBURA : Health Service Journal en-US [email protected] (Karlina Amir) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:46:25 +0000 OJS 60 PKM PENGENALAN DINI PENYAKIT GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME (GBS) DI SMK SANJIWANI GIANYAR <p>Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) adalah salah satu kelainan karena gangguan sistem imun dengan ciri paralisis akut. GBS merupakan penyakit pada sistem saraf tepi yang insidensinya langka. Berdasarkan ringkasan dari American Academy of Neurology (AAN) guideline on Guillain-Barré syndrome, GBS terjadi pada 1 sampai 4 penderita per 100.000 populasi di seluruh dunia per tahunnya, menyebabkan 25% penderita gagal napas sehingga membutuhkan ventilator, 4%-15% kematian, 20% kecacatan, dan kelemahan persisten pada 67% penderita.</p> <p>GBS dapat diderita baik pria maupun wanita, berbagai usia, dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh ras. Akan tetapi, kejadian GBS sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa penderita pria lebih banyak 1,5 kali dibanding wanita, lebih sering terjadi pada pria berwarna kulit putih, dan angka insiden tertinggi pada usia sekitar 30-50 tahun (usia produktif). Puncak insidensi GBS antara usia 15-35 tahun. Sindrom Guillain Barre yang berkaitan dengan infeksi saluran pernafasan atau infeksi gastrointestinal yaitu sebanyak 56%-80% sekitar 1 sampai 4 minggu sebelum terjadinya infeksi. Angka morbiditas menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 15-20% dari pasien mengalami penurunan fungsi neurologis dan sekitar 1-10% mengalami cacat permanen.</p> <p>Penyakit ini mampu menyebabkan komplikasi yang fatal apabila sistem saraf otonom dan sistem pernapasan terlibat. Masyarakat awam relatif memiliki pengetahuan yang minim terhadap penyakit ini bahkan ada yang belum mengetahuinya. Onset penyakit yang akut dan berprogresif menuntut penatalaksanaan yang cepat dan tepat. Oleh karena itu perlu pemahaman tentang upaya untuk mendeteksi dini, pengobatan, serta upaya rehabilitasi sehingga penatalaksanaan yang dilakukan menjadi optimal.</p> <p>Berdasarkan uraian diatas, maka diperlukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan tentang penyakit GBS pada remaja di SMK Sanjiwani Gianyar.</p> Fransi Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 PABBURA : Health Service Journal Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:06:50 +0000 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembuatan Serbuk Minuman Herbal Siap Seduh dari Tanaman Obat Berkhasiat sebagai Hepatorepair di Desa Wiring Tasi Kecamatan Suppa <p>Kerusakan pada hati dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, diantaranya obat, infeksi, alkohol, autoimun, atau hepatitis. Penyakit Hepatitis merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia tak terkecuali Kabupaten Pinrang. Bahkan indonesia merupakan negara dengan endemisitas tinggi Hepatitis B terbesar kedua di negara <em>South East Asian Region</em> (SEAR) setelah Nyanmar. Penularannya melalui <em>facel oral</em>, yang biasanya berhubungan dengan prilaku hidup sehat, juga dapat melalui <em>parenteral</em> dan menimbulkan <em>cirrohsis</em> hingga kanker hati, sementara pengobatan hepar dianggap cukup mahal oleh masyarakat sehingga beralih ke pengobatan tradisional yang lebih murah dan efektif namun masih kurang pengetahuan tentang tanaman berkhasiat di desa tersebut. Melimpahnya tanaman obat di desa tersebut melatarbelakangi kami untuk memberdayakan, mengedukasi dan melatih masyarakat setempat untuk memanfaatkan tanaman herbal menjadi minuman herbal siap seduh yang memiliki khasiat sebagai <em>hepatorepair.</em> Dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan&nbsp; edukasi tentang pemanfaatan tanaman herbal di daerah sekitar yang memiliki khasiat pengobatan terutama sebagai <em>hepatorepair</em> serta pelatihan pembuatan serbuk minuman herbal siap seduh yang memudahkan penggunaan oleh masyarakat, dan tentunya memiliki peluang ekonomis bagi masyarakat di desa tersebut.</p> Aztriana Copyright (c) 2024 PABBURA : Health Service Journal Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:09:02 +0000 Stunting Prevention Activities Through Cooking Demonstration Method Of Making Moringa Leaf Pudding <p><em>Despite a decline in prevalence, stunting remains a significant health issue in the Pangkajene dan Kepulauan District, warranting ongoing attention and intervention. Satando Island and Saugi Island, both part of the Regional Marine Conservation Area of Pangkep Regency, continue to report cases of children with height measurements below the standard for their age. Observations and interviews indicate the presence of abundant Moringa trees on both islands. In response to this, community service initiatives were implemented, specifically focusing on a demonstration of Moringa leaf pudding preparation. The project, titled "Preventing Stunting through the Moringa Leaf Pudding Cooking Demonstration Method," successfully enhanced the skills of local health cadres. This improvement was evidenced by the evaluation, which included photographic documentation showing the cadres' ability to prepare and serve Moringa leaf pudding effectively.<br><br><strong>Keywords: &nbsp;</strong>Moringa Leaf Pudding, Island, Stunting<br></em></p> Nur Al Marwah Asrul Copyright (c) 2024 PABBURA : Health Service Journal Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:11:40 +0000 Empowerment of schools in efforts to prevent violence among adolescent students in West Sulawesi <p>Youth violence refers to acts of violence among individuals aged 10–29 who have no family ties, whether they know each other or not. It usually occurs outside the home and includes various forms of action, such as online or offline intimidation, physical clashes, to more severe sexual and physical violence. The impact of this violence includes the risk of death, injury, and disability, as well as long-term health consequences, including mental health problems and risky behaviors that can lead to chronic disease. Youth violence is also associated with high school dropout rates, negatively affects cognitive development, and reduces opportunities to make positive contributions to society. The aim of this community service activity is to prevent acts of violence in schools through empowerment efforts. The empowerment methods used include outreach, in-depth interviews and surveys of teachers and students about violence. The series of activities shows that the school welcomes the series of community service activities as a form of empowering the school in preventing acts of violence.&nbsp; Bullying and student fights are forms of violence that often occur in schools. A series of outreach activities in the form of interviews and surveys using questionnaires can provide initial information on the school's understanding of violence and basic knowledge about violence among students and teachers that still needs to be improved.</p> Risnah Risnah Copyright (c) 2024 PABBURA : Health Service Journal Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Penyuluhan Penggunaan Dan Keamanan Obat Tradisional Di Desa Benteng Gajah Kecamatan Tompobulu Kabupaten Maros <p>Education about the use of traditional medicines is an important effort to increase public understanding and awareness of the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of medicines based on these natural ingredients. To support this, education is carried out regarding the use and safety of traditional medicines. Extension also teaches people about the right dosage, the right processing method, and choosing safe and quality products. This aims to reduce the risk of inappropriate use of traditional medicines so that people can use them wisely and effectively as part of their health care. Participants in this activity are the people of Benteng Gajah Village, Maros Regency. The presentation of the material is delivered via audio-visual devices, followed by discussion and questions and answers regarding the material or other related matters. Pretest and posttest were conducted to assess initial knowledge and after education. The pretest results showed the level of public understanding regarding the use and safety of traditional medicine was 45%. The posttest results after education showed an increase in public understanding of 99.30%. The implementation of this outreach activity has increased public knowledge regarding the use and safety of traditional medicine.</p> TAUFAN EKA PUTRA LASABUDA Copyright (c) 2024 PABBURA : Health Service Journal Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:22:23 +0000