Focus and Scope

Diversity: Disease Preventive of Research Integrity publishes original papers on all aspects of the science, philosophy, and practice in preventing disease. This journal documents the latest trends, developments, and findings in the research that are integrated with Islamic values

Diversity: Disease Preventive of Research Integrity, receives manuscripts encompassing a broad range of research scope in public health sciences such as: 

  • Epidemiology study. The study includes observation, surveillance, hypothesis‐testing analytic research methods, and experiments. Distribution refers to analysis according to the time, place, and classes of persons affected. Determinants are the physical, biological, social, cultural, and behavioral factors influencing health. Health‐related states or events include diseases and injuries, causes of death, behavior such as the use of tobacco, reactions to preventive or therapeutic regimens, and provision and use of health services.
  • Public health nutrition. Subject areas include vitamins and minerals, dietary recommendation, obesity, and weight control, appetite, food intake, and nutritional status, nutritional neurosciences, eating disorders, nutritional toxicities, nutritional immunology, food and nutrition policies and programs, overnutrition, malnutrition, macronutrients, micronutrients, prenatal nutrition, and antioxidants
  • Health promotion and behavior. The core service elements related to health promotion likely prevention of disease, injury, and illness, health education, anticipatory guidance, and parenting skill development, support that builds confidence, and is reassuring for mothers, fathers, and carers; community capacity building.
  • Environmental health. Air quality, biosafety, disaster preparedness and response, climate change and its effects on health, food safety, including in agriculture, transportation, food processing, wholesale and retail distribution and sale,  health Housing, liquid waste disposal, including city wastewater treatment plants and on-site wastewater disposals systems, such as septic tank systems and chemical toilets, medical waste management and disposal, Safe drinking water, solid waste management, toxic chemical exposure whether in consumer products, housing, workplaces, air, water or soil, Vector control, including the control of mosquitoes, rodents, flies, cockroaches and other animals that may transmit pathogens.
  • Health administration and policy. Health service effectiveness, health management, and re-design, evaluation of public health programs or interventions, public health governance and quality, Audit medical and other healthcare services, Public health law and ethics, Public health policy and comparisons, and capacity in public health systems, implementation laws and regulations that secure public health and safety, community/organizational health issues.
  • Occupational health and safety. Protection the safety of employees, contractors, students, and visitors,  accidents and occupational hazards; regulations and standards of occupational safety, noise pollution control, industrial hygiene, radiological health, nutrition worker, protection from illness resulting from the materials, processes, or procedures used in the workplace, hazardous materials management.