التلقي التأويلي في تفسير النص
Hermeneutics is a product of western science, but the presence of hermeneutics as a theory of interpretation is quite significant in developing the interpretation of the Qur'an. This is because hermeneutics not only considers the text but also the context and contextualization, so that by using it the texts of the Qur'an become contextual in facing the challenges of the times. This research is library research, which uses a qualitative descriptive analysis method. This research uses a qualitative approach with textual analysis as the main method. Data was obtained through in-depth literature review from various literature sources such as books, scientific articles, and journals. The literature review was chosen due to the importance of collecting theoretical data related to the hermeneutic reception of text studies, especially the study of al-Qur’an al-Karim. The results show that hermeneutic reception is an important approach in text interpretation because it can help readers to understand the meaning and context of texts in various fields, especially in understanding the meaning of religious texts including al-Qur’an in the context of modern life today.
Keyword: Hermeneutics Reception; Text Interpretation

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