Implementation Of Problem Credit Debtaccording To Civil Law

  • Ashar Sinilele Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


The policy of implementing haircuts at the Bank has accelerated the restructuring of small and medium business loans. The issuance of these two decrees and the imposition of haircuts in theworld bankingfor certain parties have caused a legal problem, namely a decree has set aside all the rules stipulated in the existing laws, for example the rules regarding contract law. in the Civil Code. This is a deviation from the applicable legal principle, namely that higher regulations override lower regulations. Based on experience to achieve the expected effectiveness, it is better if thepolicy haircut through a presidential decree does not only provide discounts on bad loans but also does not limit the time interval for the loss, the important thing is that the debtor's criteria meet the requirements of SMEs affected by the monetary crisis.

Keywords: Debt Cutting, Credit, Civil Law



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Regulations and Act

Law Number 10 Year 1998 on Banking,

Financial Sector Policy Committee No. KEP.01 / K.KKSK / 01/2001 On 16th January 2001

PEPRES No. 56 of 2002 concerningPolicy Haircut Non-performing Credit on Banks.

Volume 8 Nomor 2 Desember 2021
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