Author Guidelines

Before the writer sends the manuscript to the editorial staff of the Sosioreligius, it is better to follow the provisions and systematics of writing below:

Guidelines for Article

a. Topics published by the Sosioreligius are by the focus and scope.
b. The problem raised should be the case of the last 5 years (if field research) which contains an element of novelty. 
c. The manuscript has never been published.
d. Reference sources at least 50% come from scientific journals/books published in the last five years. 
e. Manuscripts sent to the Sosioreligius are not allowed to be sent to other publishers for publication before there is a decision from the manager of the Sosioreligius, on whether to publish or not.
f. Articles are around 6000-8000 words in length, however, longer manuscripts will be considered.
h. Manuscripts must be submitted for consideration through the website of the Sosioreligius.
g. The manuscript is typed on a computer using Microsoft Word, on paper measuring 21 cm x 29.7 cm (A4), with 1.5 spacing, font Calibri, and font size 12 pt.
h. Authors must be willing to revise the manuscript based on input from the Editor and Reviewers.
i. The editor has the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the technical criteria/requirements, make changes to the composition of the manuscript, correct the language, and consult with the author before the manuscript is published.
j. Systematics of Writing:

  1. Article
    Title The article title must be solid, clear, and without abbreviations with a maximum word count of 12 words.
  2. Author's Name
    Enough of the author's name without including the title.
  3. Institution and Author Email
  4. Abstract
    The abstract contains the purpose and benefits of this manuscript, research methodology, research results, and conclusions. Make sure they are made as dense and as clear as possible. Abstract uses Indonesian with a word count of 150-250 words.
  5. Keywords
    Keywords reflect the main idea of ​​the text. Keywords contain a maximum of 5 keywords.
  6. Introduction
    The introduction should clearly describe the background of the problem and include what questions will be answered in the discussion. In this section, the writer must give an argument about the importance of this research. Any citation of other people's writings must use a Bodynote (APA Style). Foreign terms are italicized.
  7. Literature Review
    This section contains as much as possible a systematic description of information on research results that have been carried out by previous researchers that are relevant to the research conducted. This section contains the strengths and weaknesses of previous research that can be used as an argument that this research is carried out to improve or develop previous research. It is also necessary to emphasize the novelty of the author's research.
  8. Theory
    The section also contains the theoretical basis in the form of a summary of theories from the literature that supports the research, as well as an explanation of the basic concepts and principles needed for problem-solving. The theoretical basis is in the form of qualitative descriptions, mathematical models, or tools that are directly related to the problems studied. In this section, the author may not write the “Theory Overview” sub-section, but immediately write down the sub-chapter name of the theory and its explanation.
  9. Research Methods
    This section describes the research methods to be used, including research design and approach, data collection, and analysis techniques.
  10. Results and Discussion
    In this section, the research results are explained comprehensively (short, concise, and clear). If there are tables and figures, or other figures in the manuscript, they are all placed symmetrically in the middle (balanced between left and right). In this section, the author may not write the "Results and Discussion" sub-section but go directly to the core sub-chapter of the issue being discussed.
  11. Conclusion
    Conclusion adjusts to what is expected in the introduction section above. This section is made as short and clear as possible.
  12. Bibliography Reference
    Sources at least 50% come from scientific journals/books published in the last five years.