Author Guidelines

Alami Journal (Alauddin Islamic Medical) Journal is a journal of the Medical Education Program of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIN Alauddin Makassar, containing articles on medicine and health that are integrated with Islam in the fields of promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative. The articles should provide new and insightful information for practitioners in the field of health. The articles accepted for publication must meet the manuscript requirements of Alami Journal, be original, and have not been previously published in any other journal. If an article has been accepted for publication in Alami Journal, it may not be published again in any other journal, magazine, or media.

Article Format

The author shall submit three documents:

  1. Manuscript
  2. Cover letter
  3. Copyright Agreement Form (please download)

The manuscript is submitted in Microsoft Word format, formatted in proper and correct Indonesian language, typed with 1.15 line spacing and a minimum margin of 2.5 cm. The length of the manuscript should be between 7-12 pages and printed on A4 paper (21X30 cm). The manuscript should be in a single-column format.

Title and Author Names

  1. The title is written in full and clear, without abbreviations. Times New Roman font, size 13, bold, capitalized initial letters (except for conjunctions), centered alignment, 1-space distance. Example: "Analysis of the Relationship between Passive Smokers and the Incidence of Lung Carcinoma in Makassar City"
  1. The authors' names are written in full, along with the names and affiliations of the authors' workplaces in sequence (author 1, author 2, etc.). Times New Roman font, size 10, 1-space distance. The author's sequence number is written in superscript after the author's name.  Example: Ahmad Munawwir
  1. The Corresponding Author is marked with an asterisk/star after the author's number (e.g., Ahmad*), and their email address is provided after listing the affiliation. Only one author is allowed to be the corresponding author.


  1. The abstract is written in both English and Indonesian
  2. Times New Roman font, size 10, with 1-space distance.
  3. It is placed on the first page below the names and institutions.
  4. The abstract should be 150-200 words long, with a proportional number of sentences consisting of a) Background (1 sentence), b) Research objectives (1 sentence), c) Methodology (4-5 sentences), d) Research findings (5-7 sentences), and Conclusion (1 sentence).
  5. At the end of the abstract, include 3 to 6 keywords, separated by commas.


  1. The introduction contains a brief and concise description of the research background, relevant previous research, the research gap, and concludes with stating the research objectives. The theoretical foundation is not necessary.
  2. The font style is Times New Roman, font size is 12, and the line spacing is set to 1.15. The text consists of 3-5 paragraphs.


  1. Provide clear and replicable information about the research design, research steps (research steps, sampling techniques, research location, data collection methods, and variable measurement), and data analysis.
  2. The font type is Times New Roman, font size is 12, with 1.15 spacing.

Results and Findings

  1. The font type is Times New Roman, font size is 12, with 1.55 spacing. The presentation of research results is done in the form of narrative, tables, or figures.
  2. In presenting tables or figures, it should start with a narrative first, followed by the table or figure to clarify what is presented in the narrative. The narrative should provide a brief explanation of meaningful or important aspects; there is no need to repeat the entire contents of the table or figure.

 Tables and Figures

  1. The maximum number of tables and figures is 5 pieces.
  2. All images/tables/charts/graphs are sequentially numbered according to their appearance in the article.
  3. Image captions are written below, and table captions are written above (tables with an open table format).
  4. Images/tables/charts/graphs need to be clearly created with informative titles. Each table or image should be able to explain itself.
  5. Table titles are written in Times New Roman font size 12, bold (initial capital), with 1 spacing. There is a 1-space gap between the table title and the table. The body of the table is typed with 1 spacing, font size 10.


  1. This is an equally important section, discussing the main results obtained and comparing them with previous results or understanding.
  2. The discussion also explains why such results occurred, whether physiologically or in contrast. If in contrast, possible causes should be explained.
  3. The discussion should focus on the previously mentioned research objectives.
  4. The discussion also includes limitations of the study, including possible errors that may occur in the research design or limitations in the field.
  5. The font type is Times New Roman, the font size is 12, with 1.15 spacing, maximum of 2 pages.

Conclusion and Recommendation

This is the answer to the objectives. The font type is Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.15 spacing


  1. It is fully suggested to use Reference Manager (Mendeley, Zotero, etc.)
  2. Only include references that have been properly cited, so the inserted references can be found in the preceding sections.
  3. Cited works are a minimum of 5 years old.
  4. If references from the last 5 years are significantly lacking, then it is permissible to include references older than 5 years, with a maximum of 15% of the total references used.
  5. Citations within the scientific manuscript must be numbered in order of appearance in the text and written in the Vancouver system (in numerical form and superscript).

Example: “Job mechanism... .1

  1. The included references should range from 15 to 35 citations.
  2. Some examples of cited works:
  3. Article journal:
  • Jika jumlah pengarang ≤ 4, maka semua nama pengarang dituliskan. Jika >4 pengarang, yang dituliskan hanya nama pengarang 1, dan pengarang selanjutnya dituliskan et al.
  • Urutan menuliskan daftar pustaka :

Nama pengarang 1; nama pengarang 2; nama pengarang 3. Judul tulisan. Nama Jurnal (italic), tahun terbit;volume(nomor/issue) : halaman

Contoh :

Apriluana, Gladys; Fikawati, Sandra. Analisis faktor-faktor risiko terhadap kejadian stunting pada balita (0-59 bulan) di negara berkembang dan asia tenggara. Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2018;28(4) : 247-56

  1. Corporate/organization

Direktorat Jendral PPM & PLP, Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Pedoman pengobatan malaria. Medika 1993; 34:23-8.

  1. Unnamed author

Imaging of sinusitis [editorial]. Ped Infect J 1999; 18:1019-20.

  1. Suplement

Solomkin JS, Hemsel DL, Sweet R, dkk. Evaluation of new infective drugs for the treatment of intraabdominal infections. Clin Infect Dis 1992; 15 Suppl 1: 533-42.

  1. Book dan Monograf : Self author

Bannister  BA,  Begg  NT,  Gillespie  SH.  Infectious  Disease.  edisi pertama. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1996.

  1. Editing article

Galvani DW, Cawley JC, Penyunting. Cytokine therapy. New York: Press Syndicate of the university of Cambridge; 1992.

  1. Organization/party

World bank. World development report 1993: investing in health. New York: World Bank; 1993.

  1. Book chapter

Loveday C. Virology of AIDS. Dalam: Midel A, Miller R, editor. AIDS, a pocket book of diagnosis and management. Edisi kedua. London: Arnold holder Headline Group 1996. h.19-41.

  1. Conference paper

Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editor. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Prosiding dari  the  10th  International  Congres  of  EMG  and  Clinical  Neurophysiology;  Kyoto, Jepang; 15-19 Oktober 1995. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

  1. Article proceeding

Bengstone  S,  Solheim  BG.  Enforcement of data protection,  privacy and security in medical informatics. Dalam: Lun KC, DegoultetP, Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, editor. MEDINFO 92. Prosiding the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics: Sep 6-10,1992; Geneva, Swiss. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1992: 1561-5.

  1. Scholarly reports

Akutsu  T.  Total  heart  replacement  device.  Bethesda:  National  Institutes  of  Health,National Heart and Lung Institutes; 1974 Apr. Report No: NHH-NHL 1-69-2185-4.

  1. Dissertation

Ridha NR. Peran Hepcidin terhadap gangguan homeostasis besi pada inflamasi akibat obesitas  pada  anak  (Kajian  Patomekanisme  gangguan  homeostasis  besi  pada  anak obesitas) [disertasi]. Makassar: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin, 2013.

  1. Newspapers
    Bellamy C. Gizi bayi adalah investasi masa depan. Kompas 26 Januari 2000; hal 8 kolom 7-8.
  2. Audiovisual

AIDS epidemic: the physician's role [rekaman video]. Cleveland, 1987.

  1. Unpublished work/printed work

Sebodo T. Response of plasma and yeast-derived hepatitis vaccines in Children. Paediatr Indones, In press 2002.

  1. Article from computer

Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs of hemodynamics [program komputer]. Versi 2.2. Orlando (FL); Computerized Educational System;1993.

  1. Article from official website

World Health Organization. Maternal Mortality [Internet].  2019. Available from:

Author Checklist Requires

Please use the following checklist for the final manuscript review before submission:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Copyright Agreement Form (in PDF or JPG format as per the format on the official website of the Natural Journal)
  3. Manuscript in Ms. Word, only mention single email correspondence author, no typos and well academic writings, use reference tool, all cited works, and follow the author guidelines.