• Jusmawati Jusmawati Universitas Megarezky



Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas model kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa SD Negeri Kassi Kota Makassar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kassi Kota Makassar dan sampel kelas IVa sebagai kelas eksperimen diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) dengan teknik random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) melalui lembar observasi dan data pemahaman konsep matematika dikumpulkan melalui tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Analisis deskriptif keterlaksaan model pembelajaran dan pemahaman konsep matematika, analisis inferensial dengan uji prasyarat yakni uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas, analisis inferensial yakni uji t, pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji paired sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) dalam pembelajaran matematika terlaksana dengan baik, (2) pemahaman konsep matematika siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kassi Kota Makassar yang sebelumnya berada pada kategori rendah terdapat peningkatan setelah diterapkan model kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) dari rata-rata pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yaitu 35,18 kemudian meningkat menjadi 84,14, dan (3) hasil uji hipotesis pada taraf siginifikan 0,05 dengan uji-t menunjukan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima sehingga terdapat keefektifan model kooperatif Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika sekolah dasar.


This research aimed to know the effectiveness of Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) model on understanding the Mathematics concept of SD Negeri Kassi of Makassar. The population was all of the fourth grade students at SD Negeri Kassi of Makassar and the sample was the IVa grade students at SD Negeri Kassi of Makassar. The experimental class was taught by using Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) learning model with random sampling technique. Data of Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) model were collected by observation sheet and data of mathematics concept understanding were collected by test. Techniques of data analysis were descriptive and inferential statistic. Descriptive statistic was used to measure learning model and understanding of mathematics concept. Inferential statistic used normality and homogenity test. It included t-test and hypotesis using paired sample t-test. The result of research indicated that (1) Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) model was implemented well, (2) understanding of mathematics concept to the fourth students of SD Negeri Kassi Makassar previously was low and got improvement after using Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) model. It was proved by mean score 35.18 improved to 84.14. (3) the result of hypothesis was 0.05 significant and t-test showed that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Therefore, there was the effectiveness of Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) model on understanding mathematics concept in elementary school.


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How to Cite
Jusmawati, J. (2019). EFEKTIVITAS MODEL KOOPERATIF TWO STAY TWO STRAY (TS-TS) TERHADAP PEMAHAMAN KONSEP MATEMATIS SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR. AULADUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam, 6(2), 164-172. https://doi.org/10.24252/auladuna.v6i2a7.2019
Vol. 6 No. 2
Abstract viewed = 305 times