Author Guidelines
Submitted manuscripts must be research articles and invited review articles that should not have been previously published and free of plagiarism. Each submitted article will be checked by Turnitin, an application for detecting plagiarism.
Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English, must contain the following components of scientific articles (subtitles in order), namely: (a) Article Title, (b) Author's Name (without title), (c) Affiliate Address, (d) Abstract and Keyword, (e) Introduction, (f) Methods, (g) Results, (h) Discussion, (i) Conclusions (j) Acknowledgments (if any), and (k) Bibliography.
The title can be written in no more than 15 words, using bold Arial Narrow (size 14). The title should be brief, specific, and informative.
Names of authors to be typed, unaccompanied by their degrees, titles, etc. Superscripting must be done to number authors. Address of the institution where the work was carried out be given below the name(s) of the author(s). Present address of correspondence should be given indicating by an asterisk (*) the author to whom the correspondence is to be addressed.
Andi Susilawaty1*, Emmi Bujawati2, Surahmawati3 (Arial Narrow 11pt)
1 Environmental Health Departement, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
2 Epidemiology Departement, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
3 Health Policy Administration Departement, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar (Arial Narrow 11pt)
Abstract written for 150-250 words. Abstracts need to be introduced in four parts (Background/ Methods/Result/Conclusion). If the article is in Indonesian, then the abstract must be written in Indonesian and/or in good English. If the article is in English, then the abstract must be written in English only. Abstracts for each language can only be written in one paragraph with the format of one column.
Keyword maximum of 5 (five) keywords separated by comma (Arial Narrow 10pt)
Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), and References using Arial Narrow (size 12pt with a spacing of 1.5)
The introduction contains (in sequence) general background, previous literature studies (state of the art) as a basis for the statement of scientific renewal of the article, a statement of scientific novelty, and research problems or hypotheses. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the article should be written.
The research method is a research procedure and technique. This section contains the methods used in completing the research written in this section. Method includes design, population, sample, data sources, techniques/ instruments of data collection, data analysis procedure, and ethics.
Results contains data research findings and should be clear and concise. The results contain research findings presented in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams and / or narratives
Tables should be single-spaced and numbered consecutively in accor¬dance with presentation in the text. Tables and/or figures should be no more than 6 (six) as presented in Result. Figures, pictures, or formula should be original
Discussion should properly and argumentatively define results of study with any relevant theory and prior finding. It contains a review of scientific research findings. Including: (1) Scientific findings obtained, (2) Explain why it can happen, (3) Explain the condition or trend of the variable. In addition, it should be explained also the comparison with the results of other researchers who are almost the same topic. Research results and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction.
Conclusion and Recommendation (if any)
Conclusion should answer problems of study not exceeding the capacity of finding. The recommendation should refer to the aims and conclusion in form of narration, be logical and effective.
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. It must contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals at least 80% of the total references) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten) references. Writing a reference system in the text of the article and writing references should use reference management such as Mendeley. The writing format used the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.
Example of References :
Journal Article:
Basri, S., Saleh, M., & Amansyah, M. (2016). Modeling Spatio-temporal risk changes in the incidence of dengue fever in Makassar: a geographical information system case study. Geospatial Health, 39(1), 23–32.
Amansyah, M. (2014). Dasar-Dasar Kesehatan Lingkungan (p. 211). Makassar: Alauddin University Press
Seminar Proceedings:
Bujawati, E. (2012). Relationship Between Family Social Support with Postpartum Blues Risk in Makassar, Indonesia. In International Conference on Social Sciences (pp. 25–30). Palopo, Indonesia: Department of Public Health, Alauddin State Islamic University.
Dissertation / thesis:
Susilawaty, A. (2014). Environmental Health Risk Assessment on Small Islands Groups in the Province of South and the Southeast Sulawesi Republic of Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis. Universitas Hasanuddin
Primack, H.S. (1983). Method of Stabilizing Polyvalent Metal Solutions. US Patent No. 4,373,104
Hovmand, S. (1995). Fluidized Bed Drying. In Mujumdar, U.S. (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial Drying (pp.195-248). 2nd Ed. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Conflicting Interest (If present, give more details)
Competing Interest stated whether the author(s) have an interest in research.
Ethical Review (If any)
Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate inform license obtained from institution and research subject.
Acknowledgments (if any)
Acknowledgment mentions a thank-you note to all components supporting the study, including funding (grant).
Guide to Writing Equations
Each equation is written in the middle of the column and given a number written in brackets and placed at the end of the right margin. Equations must be written using Equation Editor in MS Word or Open Office (Primack, 1983).
Guide to Writing Quotations / Reference in Article Text
Every time you take data or cite statements from other libraries, the writer must write the source of the reference. References or citations are written in the description/text by means of the author's name and year (Susilawaty and Bujawati, 1998). If there are more than two authors, only the first author's name is followed by "et al." Or "et al." (Susilawaty et al., 2009).
All that is referred to in the text must be registered in the Bibliography section, and vice versa, everything written in the Bibliography must be referred to in the text (Wang et al., 2011).