author guidlines
- Type of Contribution
Community Research Of Epidemiology promotes the sound development of public health by the publication of original research papers.
B. Preparation and Submission of a Manuscript
B.1. General Rules- The manuscript should be original work, unfabricated, unfalsified, unplagiarized, and it has not been previously published nor is being simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
- The manuscript should be written by two or more authors. Manuscripts written by a single author will not be processed.
- The manuscripts should be typed on one side of the paper and in 1 column format with 1.5 spacing throughout
- The paper size is A4 and a 2.0 cm margin of the page is desirable. Use the font “Gill Sans MT” 12 pt.
- The manuscript should not occupy more than 10 pages in length of the journal sheet (3000-5000 words of the manuscript).
- All tables and figures should be typed on separate pages and be numbered according to their sequence in the text.
- Standard International (SI) units should be used. Weights and measures should be expressed in the metric system and temperatures in the Celsius scale.
- Files should be saved in the format of the word processing software “word for windows” or “open text document”.
- The manuscript should be submitted through the Online Submission System using Open Journal System (OJS).
- The manuscript should be supplemented by an ethical clearance paper or information paper of having conducted research
- The manuscript does not contain any plagiarism elements. The editorial board will directly reject the text that indicates plagiarism.
- The journal applies APA (7th Edition) Style in preparing references. Therefore, we highly recommend the authors use a reference management tool such as Mendeley or others.
- Author(s) is required to complete profile metadata, especially on affiliation and email correspondence
- The manuscript that does not fulfill the requirements will not be processed any further.
- Author(s) should download the journal template HERE as it can help to follow the journal layout.
B.2. Manuscripts Structure.
Manuscripts, in general, should be organized in the following order: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional), and References. These major headings should be typed in bold capital letters and set in the center of the page. The manuscript should be written according to this template.
TITLE. The title of the paper consists of no more than 15 words, is written in Indonesian and in English. Abbreviations are not permitted in the title. The title is followed by the name of the authors and the complete institution address. The manuscript must be written by 2-7 authors, preferably from different institutions and countries. The author's name (without title) must be accompanied by the full name, full address of the affiliation (department or concentration, faculty or institution, and city or country), and the email of corresponding author.
ABSTRACT. The abstract is written in Indonesian and in English with Arial Narrow Font 10, space 1. The abstract consists of 150-250 words. It starts with a clear statement of the objectives of the experiment followed by materials and methods, results, and important conclusions. References are never cited in the abstract. Abbreviations that appear in the abstract should be defined when they are first used. The end of the abstract consists of 3 to 5 keywords in alphabetical order that best describe the nature of the research.
INTRODUCTION. The introduction is written with Arial Narrow Font 12, space 1.5, contains 4-7 paragraphs, and it should provide the readers with the information necessary for understanding the research presented in the paper. Besides, there must be a background of problems and issues related to the problem being resolved, previous research reviews conducted by other researchers that are relevant to the research conducted, statements about research gates, or gaps with previous research to lead to a statement of research novelty. at the end of the paragraph, the author states the hypothesis or the purpose of the study.
METHODS. The section of methods should include a discussion clear and in detail which consists of the type of research and approach, the place and time of the study, population and sample, the sampling method, the method of research, the instruments used, and data processing/analysis.
RESULTS. The results of this study describe the overall information obtained during the research process, it must be arranged based on the variables/research objectives and additional information that became the researchers' findings during the study. The results of the study contain a description of the contents of a table or a picture of research results and the explanation is accompanied by a number table or picture as a caption. all tables and/or figures are not more than 5 pieces, all of which are placed on a separate sheet at the end.
DISCUSSION. A discussion of the research result is presented in the form of theoretical descriptions. Each research result is compared with other research results. The discussion describes the meaning of the findings obtained and it should be integrated with the public health sciences.
CONCLUSION. The conclusion should be written 1-2 paragraphs without list details. The conclusion must indicate the results obtained, contribution to public health science, strengths and weaknesses of research, and the possibility of further development. The recommendation is a suggestion given to several parties aimed at the government or the institution where the research is conducted, and it can be a scientific input for other researchers. this recommendation
Acknowledgments can be given to research funders, institutional leaders conducting research, to colleagues who contribute to help research. Acknowledgments are not addressed to one of the authors of the journal.
All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references in chronological order with a level of expertise under 10 years since this article was written. References refer to APA(7th) style. Use the following system for arranging the references:
- For periodical journals
Ashing, K. T., Padilla, G., Tejero, J., Kraemer, J., Wright, K., Coscarelli, A., Clayton, S., Williams, I., & Hills, D. (2020). Understanding the breast cancer experience of women: A qualitative study of African American and Caucasian cancer survivors. Psycho‐Oncology Journal, 13(6), 408-428.
b. For proceedings of the seminar, conference, symposia, etc.
Mason, I. & Missingham, R. (2019, October 21–25). Research libraries, data curation, and workflows[Paper presentation]. eResearch Australasia Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
c. For thesis or dissertation
Valentin, E. R. (2019). Narcissism predicted by Snapchat selfie sharing, filter usage, and editing[Master's thesis, California State University Dominguez Hills]. CSU ScholarWorks. en
d. For standard books
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
e. For the book with the editor
McCormack, B., McCance, T., & Maben, J. (2013). Outcome evaluation in the development of person-centered practice. In B. McCormack, K. Manley, & A. Titchen (Eds.), Practice development in nursing and healthcare (pp. 190-211). John Wiley & Sons.
f. For magazine or newspaper
Kennedy, M. (2018, October 15). To prevent wildfires, PG&E pre-emptively cuts power to thousands in California. Newyork Times. wildfires-pg-e-preemptively-cuts-power-to-thousands-in-California
g. For the report
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. (2017, January). Key indicators of health by service planning area.
e. For website
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, August 22). Preventing HPV-associated cancers.
TABLES & FIGURES. On Tables, no vertical line is used and each term should begin with a capital letter. Any important explanation to the understanding of the tables should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table. All tables should be explained in the text. Figures should be drawn on white papers and lines should be less than 1 mm wide. The left vertical and bottom horizontal lines are used. All the figures should be numbered in consecutive order. Legends should be made outside of the figure. the most number of tables and figures contains only five
TEXT CITATION RULE. In the body of the paper, refer to the author as follows: Smith and Jones (2005). If the sentence structure requires the author’s name to be included in parentheses, then the proper format (Smith & Jones, 2005; McDonald, 2007) is used. Use “et al.” following the first author when there are more than two authors but give all authors in the references. More than one article listed in the same sentence of the text should be in chronological order first and alphabetical order for two publications in the same year. Citation from the internet is acceptable for references having Digital Object Identifier (d.o.i).
PROOF. The authors are advised to pay attention to check the proof sheet. Proof must be sent back to the Editorial Office within 1 week of receipt. If this period is exceeded, proofs will be recheck by the Editorial Office without the author’s correction.