TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP SENGKETA TANAH DI PASAR RAMBA (Studi Kasus Desa Rumbia Kecamatan Rumbia Kabupaten Jeneponto)

  • Risma
  • Muh Taufiq Amin



Sengketa yang terjadi di Desa Rumbia Kecamatan Rumbia Kabupaten Jeneponto dimana terdapat sebuah tanah di pasar Ramba seluas 80 are yang ingin dipindahkan karena Pihak Kedua mengaku bahwa tanah tersebut sudah dibeli oleh almarhum orang tuanya pada tahun 1971, tetapi banyak para pedagang termasuk yang memiliki kuasa atas tanah itu keberatan karena tanah tersebut adalah milik Pihak Pertama yang sudah diberikan orang tuanya semasa hidup dan menurut Pihak Pertama tidak pernah ada pembelian tanah pada saat orang tuanya masih hidup. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Bagaimana bentuk penyelesaian senegketa tanah di pasar Ramba di Kabupaten Jeneponto dan Bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap sengketa tanah di pasar Ramba kabupaten Jeneponto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan field research kualitatif, diskriftif yaitu metode yang menggambarkan objek sesuai apa adanya. Metode ini sesuai untuk meneliti kasus sengketa tanah dengan memperoleh data dari hasil wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Bentuk penyelesaian secara mediasi (perdamaian), yakni dengan menghadirkan para pihak yang bersengketa dan pihak yang berwenang sebagai penengah (mediator) dan juga menunjukkan bukti konkrit atas kepemilikan tanah dan persengketaan ini telah selesai secara damai. Tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap penyelesaian sengketa antara lain Ash-Sulhu (perdamaian), Tahkim (arbitrase), Al-Qadha (peradilan). Dan penyelesaian sengketa tanah yang terletak di Pasar Ramba yaitu dengan cara Ash-Sulhu dengan memenuhi rukun-rukun Ash-Sulhu dan hal tersebut telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam.

Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Sengkta, Tanah.



The dispute occurred in Rumbia Village, Rumbia District, Jeneponto Regency where there was a land in the Ramba market covering an area of ​​80 acres that wanted to be moved because the Second Party admitted that the land had been purchased by his late parents in 1971, but many traders, including those who had power over the land he objected because the land belonged to the First Party which had been given to him by his parents during his lifetime and according to the First Party there had never been a purchase of land while his parents were still alive. The main issues in this study are: How is the form of settlement of land disputes at the Ramba market in Jeneponto Regency and what is the review of Islamic law on land disputes in the Ramba market, Jeneponto district. This research is a qualitative field research, discriminatory, namely a method that describes objects as they are. This method is suitable for researching land dispute cases by obtaining data from interviews, observation and documentation. The form of settlement is mediation (peace), namely by presenting the disputing parties and the competent authority as a mediator and also showing concrete evidence of land ownership and this dispute has been resolved amicably. An overview of Islamic law on dispute resolution includes Ash-Sulhu (peace), Tahkim (arbitration), Al-Qadha (judicial). And the settlement of land disputes located at Ramba Market is by means of Ash-Sulhu by fulfilling the pillars of Ash-Sulhu and this is in accordance with Islamic law.

Keywords: Islamic Law, Dispute, Land.

Volume 5 Nomor 2 Desember 2023
Abstract viewed = 391 times