Author Guidelines

Before the writer sends the manuscript to the editorial staff of the Jurnal Politik Profetik, it is better to follow the provisions and systematics of writing below:

Guidelines for Article

a. Topics published by the Jurnal Politik Profetik are by the focus and scope.
b. The problem raised should be the case of the last 5 years (if field research) which contains an element of novelty. 
c. The manuscript has never been published.
d. Reference sources at least 75% come from scientific journals/books published in the last five years. It is recommended to cite one to three articles from the publications of the Jurnal Politik Profetik.
e. Manuscripts sent to the Jurnal Politik Profetik are not allowed to be sent to other publishers for publication before there is a decision from the manager of the Jurnal Politik Profetik, on whether to publish or not.
f. Articles are around 6000-8000 words in length, however, longer manuscripts will be considered.
h. Manuscripts must be submitted for consideration through the website of the Jurnal Politik Profetik.
g. The manuscript is typed on a computer using Microsoft Word, on paper measuring 17,6 cm x 25,01 cm (B5), with 1 spacing, Candara font, and font size 11 pt.
h. Authors must be willing to revise the manuscript based on input from the Editor and Reviewers.
i. The editor has the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the technical criteria/requirements, make changes to the composition of the manuscript, correct the language, and consult with the author before the manuscript is published.
j. Systematics of Writing:

  1. Title
  2. Author's Name
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Introduction
  6. Methods
  7. Discussion
  8. Conclusion
  9. Reference

Guidelines For Book Reviews

a. Please include at the beginning of the review: Book Cover, Author Name, Title, Place, Publisher, Year, Number of pages, and ISBN. For example Syarifuddin Jurdi. Muhammadiyah in Indonesian Political Dynamics 1966-2006. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010. Pages: xxxviii+520. ISBN: 9786028479943.
b. The book reviewed is a book published in the last 2 years.
c. Reviews are written in Indonesian or English.
d. The manuscript is typed on a computer using Microsoft Word, on paper measuring 17,6 cm x 25,01 cm (B5), with 1 spacing, Candara font, and font size 11 pt.
e. The average length of writing is around 2000-2500 words.
f. The review should begin with a brief description of the book's overall contents.
g. Matters that may be considered in the body of the review include:

  • Strengths and weaknesses of the book reviewed.
  • Comment on the author's style and presentation.
  • Whether the author's goals have been met or not.
  • Errors (typographical or otherwise) and index usability.
  • To whom the book is useful and recommended.

h. Reference writing refers to the APA Style.
i. Systematics of Writing:

  1. Title
  2. Book Identity
  3. Author
  4. Introduction
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion
  7. Reference