Study on the Development of Thinking and Scholars' Writings on Qur'anic Miracles

Studi Perkembangan Pemikiran dan Karya Tulis Ulama tentang Kemukjizatan Al-Qur’an

  • Chaerul Anam M. Bintang Student
  • Nurlathifah Thulfitrah B. UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Mardan UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Andi Miswar UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Muhammad Sadik Sabry UIN Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Balagah, Sharfah Theory, Miracle of Qur'an


This paper proposes to explain and see the development of the scholars' thinking about the miracle of Qur'an. That way there will be evidence that Qur'an will always be true throughout the ages. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method (library research). Based on the search, the author found that scholars' idea about the miraculousness of Qur'an have changed at different times. 4 periods are period of the sharfah theory, period of establishment the balagah aspect as a miracle of Qur'an, period of idea that Qur'an is a source of science, and period of proving the scientific theory of Qur'anThis paper proposes to explain and see the development of the scholars' thinking about the miracle of Qur'an. That way there will be evidence that Qur'an will always be true throughout the ages. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method (library research). Based on the search, the author found that scholars' idea about the miraculousness of Qur'an have changed at different times. 4 periods are period of the sharfah theory, period of establishment the balagah aspect as a miracle of Qur'an, period of idea that Qur'an is a source of science, and period of proving the scientific theory of Qur'anThis paper proposes to explain and see the development of the scholars' thinking about the miracle of Qur'an. That way there will be evidence that Qur'an will always be true throughout the ages. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method (library research). Based on the search, the author found that scholars' idea about the miraculousness of Qur'an have changed at different times. 4 periods are period of the sharfah theory, period of establishment the balagah aspect as a miracle of Qur'an, period of idea that Qur'an is a source of science, and period of proving the scientific theory of Qur'an.

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