Author Guidelines
- First part: title, authors, abstract
- Main part: introduction, literature review, develop a hypothesis
- Ending part: acknowledgment (if any), symbols description (if any), and references
- The title is written by capital words (Title Case/Capital Each Word), bold, with a font of Cambria 14, single space, and center text
- Authors name placed under the title and written without a degree. It starts with a capital word and italic (avoid to use “by” before the author's name). Author sequence is a first author then followed by second author etc
- Institution address and email written under authors name with a font of Cambria 11
- The abstract is written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English (ABSTRAK in Bahasa and ABSTRACT in English), which contain an introduction, how the study was conducted, the results, etc
- The maximum words in the abstract are no more than 250 words and written with single space
- Justify text with a font of Cambria 11
- The abstract using format structured abstract
- Background
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Every section has to write in bold
- Keywords consist of 3 – 5 words, the word “Keywords” also has to write in bold
- Every section in a manuscript is written with a font of Cambria 11, using capital words and bold
- First sentence a new paragraph is written with indent-first line 0.75 cm, and there is no space between paragraphs
- The content of the manuscript is written with a font of Cambria 11 without using bolD
- Words from a foreign language are written in italic
- Every numeral word has to write in a number, except at the beginning of a paragraph and integers that are less than ten Tables and pictures must have a clear description and serial number. Numbering use centre text format and is placed above the table and for a picture, it is placed below
Reference format using American Psychological Association (APA) Style Six Edition or The last version. All literature that is put in references must contain in a manuscript. Literatures preferred from the last 10 years and 80% from journals.
Reference must use management references like Mendeley or Zotero and follow the Jurnal Kesehatan template.
How to cite:
Kemenkes. (2019). Survei Kemenkes: 97 Persen Anak SMP dan SMA Sudah Mengakses Konten Pornografi - Tribun Jakarta.
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Kemenkes. (2019). Analisis lansia di Indonesia. Pusat Data Dan Imformasi Kemenkes.
WHO. (2020). Co V I D ‑ 19 Strategy Up Date. World Health Organization, (April), 18.
Journal Articles
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Rachmaniar, R., Prihandini, P., & Janitra, P. A. (2018). Perilaku Penggunaan Smartphone dan Akses Pornografi di Kalangan Remaja Perempuan. Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 7(1), 1–11.
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Barber, S. J., & Kim, H. (2021). COVID-19 Worries and Behavior Changes in Older and Younger Men and Women. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 76(2), e17–e23.
Chen, Y., Zhou, R., Chen, B., Chen, H., Li, Y., Chen, Z., … Wang, H. (2020). Knowledge, perceived beliefs, and preventive behaviors related to covid-19 among Chinese older adults: Cross-sectional web-based survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(12).
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Leung, C. (2020). Risk factors for predicting mortality in elderly patients with COVID-19: A review of clinical data in China. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 188(April), 111255.
Liu, K., Chen, Y., Lin, R., & Han, K. (2020). Clinical features of COVID-19 in elderly patients: A comparison with young and middle-aged patients. Journal of Infection, 80(6), e14–e18.
Moradzadeh, R., Nazari, J., Shamsi, M., & Amini, S. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the Central Area of Iran: A Population-Based Study. Frontiers in Public Health, 8(December), 1–7.
Morrow-Howell, N., Galucia, N., & Swinford, E. (2020). Recovering from the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Focus on Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 32(4–5), 526–535.
Ocaña-Riola, R. (2016). The Use of Statistics in Health Sciences: Situation Analysis and Perspective. Statistics in Biosciences, 8(2), 204–219.
Sarvasti, D. (2020). Pengaruh Gender dan Manifestasi Kardiovaskular Pada COVID-19. Indonesian Journal of Cardiology, 41(2).
Sembiring, E. E., & Nena Meo, M. L. (2020). Pengetahuan dan Sikap Berhubungan dengan Resiko Tertular Covid-19 pada Masyarakat Sulawesi Utara. NERS Jurnal Keperawatan, 16(2), 75.
Ssebuufu, R., Sikakulya, F. K., Mambo, S. B., Wasingya, L., Nganza, S. K., Ibrahim, B., & Kyamanywa, P. (2020). Knowledge, Attitude, and Self-Reported Practice Toward Measures for Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19 Among Ugandans: A Nationwide Online Cross-Sectional Survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 8(December), 1–9.
UNFPA. (2020). UNFPA Global Technical Brief Implications of COVID-19 for Older Persons : Responding to the Pandemic. 21.
United Nations. (2020). Policy Brief : The Impact of COVID-19 on older persons. United Nations Sustainable Development Group, (May), 1–16.
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Yousif, W., Wahed, A., Mamdouh, E., Mona, H., Ahmed, I., & Sayed, N. (2020). Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes , and Perception of Health Care Workers Regarding COVID ‑ 19 , A Cross ‑ Sectional Study from Egypt. Journal of Community Health, (0123456789).
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