Professionalism of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) Dai in Enhancing Religious Understanding of the Community in Makassar City

  • Juansyah
  • Muliaty Amin
  • St. Aisyah BM
Keywords: Preacher Professionalism, Religious Understanding, Cool Preacher Community (KPK)


This research focuses on the Professionalism of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) in increasing religious understanding of the people in Makassar City, among the discussion or sub-problems of this research are: First, How is the professionalism of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) in increasing religious understanding of the people of Makassar City. Second, what are the efforts of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) in increasing religious understanding in Makassar City. Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims: First, to find out the professionalism of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) in increasing religious understanding of the people of Makassar. Second, knowing how the efforts of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) in increasing religious understanding of the people of Makassar city.

This type of research is qualitative, with a da'wah and communication approach with the aim of describing information related to the professionalism of the preacher. The data source for this research was conducted through in-depth interviews with all informants who were primary data, namely interviews with the Da'i of the Cool Preacher Community, the government and the community. Then reference searches, observations and documentation were carried out, then data processing and analysis techniques were carried out as well as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.

The results of this study indicate that the form of professionalism of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) is to uphold professionalism by being committed and consistent with the schedule that has been prepared or the schedule that has been given to each member.

The implication of this research is that the authors hope that the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) is expected to be able to increase their form of professionalism so that the level of public trust gets stronger and public like the Cool Preacher Community (KPK). If so, then it is certain that the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) will prosper in the future. In addition, it is hoped that the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) can add to efforts to increase people's religious understanding by maximizing their work programs.


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How to Cite
Juansyah, Muliaty Amin, & St. Aisyah BM. (2022). Professionalism of the Cool Preacher Community (KPK) Dai in Enhancing Religious Understanding of the Community in Makassar City. Jurnal Mercusuar, 3(2), 241-245. Retrieved from
Abstract viewed = 97 times

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