Membangun Budaya Toleransi di Tengah Pluralitas Agama di Indonesia

  • Abd. Rahim Yunus


This paper offers the efforts to build tolerance in creating inter-religious harmony in the country of religious plurality. The effort was not enough simply through top-down policy with structural formalistic approach alone, but required tolerance that is bottom-up with a cultural approach. Tolerance for religious plurality nation can be implanted through a spirit of guidance and awareness of pluralism, nationalism, inclusivism, secularism, and the spirit and consciousness of human rights. With the spirit and consciousness, every believer would think aboutthe substance of religion that is universal, not at the pariatif partial and relative level. Beside having a universal value, Religional so has karakrteristik ritual and practice of worship or "sharia" are governed by their respective religions. When the issue is released by the state and given to each religionin its implementation charged to each individual will manifest the unity in diversity.

How to Cite
Yunus, A. R. (1). Membangun Budaya Toleransi di Tengah Pluralitas Agama di Indonesia. Rihlah: Jurnal Sejarah Dan Kebudayaan, 1(01).
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