Author Guidlines

A. Type of Contribution

Sociality Journal promotes the development of public health in rural areas by publishing community service articles.


B. Manuscript Preparation and Submission

B.1. Main Rules

  1. Manuscripts must be original work, not fabricated, not forged, not plagiarized, and not previously published or being submitted simultaneously elsewhere.
  2. Manuscripts must be written by two or more authors. Manuscripts written by one author will not be processed.
  3. Manuscripts are typed on one side of the paper and in a 1 column format with 1.15 spacing.
  4. A4 paper size and 2.0 cm page margins are desirable. Use “Century Gothic” 10 pt font.
  5. The manuscript should not occupy more than 10 pages of journal sheet length (2000-5000 words of the manuscript).
  6. Files should be saved in word processing software format “word for windows” or “right text format”.
  7. Manuscripts are submitted through the Online Submission System using the Open Journal System (OJS).
  8. The manuscript does not contain elements of plagiarism. The editor will immediately reject texts that indicate plagiarism.
  9. The journal applies APA Style (7th Edition) in compiling references. Therefore, we strongly recommend that authors use reference management tools such as Mendeley or others.
  10. Authors are required to complete profile metadata, especially about affiliations, and correspondence emails.
  11. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will not be processed further.
  12. Authors should download the journal template HERE as it can help to follow the journal layout.

B.2. Manuscript Structure


Abstract is written in 1 paragraph containing 150-200 words that provide a clear description of the contents of the article. The abstract must contain a brief description of the general problem, the purpose of the service, the methods used, the important findings or results of the service, and the implications of the service or a brief conclusion. Abstract is equipped with keywords containing 3-5 phrases


The introduction section contains 300-800 words that containbackground,gap analysis, and service objectives. The background can be sourced from actual problems that occur in a group of people or certain communities or phenomena that occur from observations in the field. The problem has never (not in depth) been explored by the previous servant so that it creates agap that requires solutive action through service. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the service must be written.


This section contains 150-500 words explaining the methods used to solve (reduce) the problem and also methods to analyze how effective or successful the program is. The steps of the method used can also be explained in the form of a chart or flowchart. The method used should use a strong theoretical basis so that it can be accounted for its scientific aspects. Methods used include: PAR (Participatory Action Research); ABCD (Asset Based Community Development); CBR (Community-Based Research); Service learning; Community development, or other methods/approaches. This method section also explains the time of service, the subject of the service program, how to get data, the type of data that has been obtained, and how to analyze it. The author can also use a chart to explain the flow of the service method carried out.


(The results and discussion contain 500-1500 words in the form of findings from the implementation of the service and its discussion. Write down the important findings that have been obtained clearly and comprehensively. Findings must be supported by complete and adequate data. The data is then displayed in the form of tables, graphs, histograms, or others and then analyzed using descriptive analysis or relevant statistical formulas. The results and discussion must be able to answer the objectives of the implementation of the service program in the introduction.

To support the clarity of the presentation of the service results, this section can use tables, figures, or charts. If more than one table, figure, or chart is presented, it is mandatory to number them sequentially from number 1 (one). If other parts of the article present tables/pictures/charts, the rules used are the same. Keep in mind that the Results and Discussion section is not allowed to display excessive pictures/photos of activities and tables. The maximum number of photos and tables is 5 (five pieces).


The conclusion contains 100-300 words describing the answer to the objectives of the service program or the findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results and discussion, but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the objectives. Suggestions present things that will be done related to further ideas from the service.


This section uses APA7th writing style, there are at least 10 references, the space between references is 1.15 pt. Here is an example of writing:

Kennedy, A. (2004). Contoh Penulisan Jurnal. PsychoOncology, 13(6), 408-428.
Kennedy, A., & Wright, B. K. (2018, October 15). Contoh Penulisan Majalah Atau Koran. NPR.
Kennedy, A., Wright, B. K., & Coscarelli, A. (2017). Contoh Penulisan Buku. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta
Kennedy, A., Wright, B. K., Coscarelli, A., & Hills, D (2013). Contoh Penulisan Buku dengan editor (pp. 190-211). John Wiley & Sons.
Kementerian Kesehatan RI. (2018, August 22). Contoh Penulisan Web.
Puskesmas Samata Kabupaten Gowa. (2017, January). Contoh Penulisan Laporan.
Valentin, E. R. (2019). Contoh Penulisan Skripsi Thesis Disertasi [Skripsi,   Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar].
Kennedy, A., Wright, B. K., & Missingham, R. (2019, October 21–25). Contoh Penulisan Konferensi [Paper presentation]. eResearch Australasia Conference, Australia.