Author Guidelines
The draft is submitted to the OJS The soft copy is in file Microsoft Word. File Microsoft form with the name of the author (corresponding author). Begin in 2019, all accepted manuscripts are only in English. The template could be downloaded at this link. Click 
Author/s who wants to submit his/her manuscript, please expected to consider the following rules:
The general writing format
- The draft is typed on a computer using MS Word with font Times New Roman size 12pt, A4 paper, above margin 3 cm, bottom margin 2cm, left margin 2 cm and right margin is 2 cm.
- Manuscript of original research should be written in no more than 8000 words
- The manuscript contains: title, authors and affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and method, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments (if any), and references
Times new roman, not exceeded 20 words, font size 14, bold, one space, capitalize each word, except for Latin name, effective tittle, convey the main topics, highlight the importance aspect of the research
Author’s data
Full name, without title, name of affiliation (Department, Faculty, University, Affiliation Address, City, Country, Postal Code), email address. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) after the name. The research team with different affiliation should be written:
First Author Name1*, Second Author Name2
1*Department, Faculty, University, Affiliation Address, City, Country, Postal Code. Email: [email protected]
2Department, Faculty, University, Affiliation Address, City, Country, Postal Code. Email: [email protected]
Abstract is written in English, not exceeded from 150-300 words in one paragraph, including the summary along with the background, the purpose of the research, methods, principal results and major conclusion. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, thus it must be able to stand alone (completely self-explanatory). Abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential, they must be defined at their first mention.
keywords about 5 words written alphabetically, not all the manuscript title, specific to research field, special methods which used, covering scientific and local name (if any)
Introduction is about 400-600 words, provide the background information, previous references related to the main topic, reason, purpose of the research, and the novelty of research. This is the essential part for the readers who do not familiar with the topic. Manuscript of original research should be written in no more than 8000 words (including tables and picture), or proportional with articles in this publication number. Review articles will be accommodated, while, short communication should be written in about 2000 words, except for pre-study.
Manuscript is typed on white paper of A4 (210x297 mm2) size, in a single column single space, 12-point Times New Roman font, with margin text from the top is 3 cm, from the bottom is 2 cm, left and right are 2 cm. Smaller lettering size can be applied in presenting table and figure (10 pt). Word processing program or additional software can be used, however, it must be PC compatible and Microsoft Word based (.docx). Scientific names of species (incl. subspecies, variety, etc.) should be written in italic, except for italic sentence. Scientific name (genera, species, author), and cultivar or strain should be mentioned completely for the first time mentioning it in the body text, especially for taxonomic manuscripts. Name of genera can be shortened after first mentioning, except generating confusion. Name of the author can be eliminated after first mentioning. For example, Aspergillus candidus L. ATCC 1002, hereinafter can be written as A. candidus ATCC 1002. Biochemical and chemical nomenclature should follow the order of the IUPAC-IUB. For DNA sequence, it is better used Courier New font. Symbols of standard chemical and abbreviation of chemistry name can be applied for common and clear used, for example, completely written cytidine 5'-triphosphate (CTP) to be CTP hereinafter. Metric measurement use IS denomination, usage other system should follow the value of equivalent with the denomination of IS first mentioning. Abbreviations set of, like g, mg, mL, etc. do not follow by dot. Minus index (m-2, L-1, h-1) suggested to be used, not “per-plant” or “per-plot”. Equation of mathematics does not always can be written down in one column with text, in that case can be written separately. Number one to ten are expressed with words, except if it relates to measurement, while values above them written in number, except in early sentence. The fraction should be expressed in decimal. In the text, it should be used “%” rather than “percent”. The degree Celsius should be written with symbol °C, not “0/O with superscript”. Symbol for multiplication should be used “×” rather than “x”.
The citation on text is “name and year” and is arranged from oldest to newest. In citing an article written by two authors, both of them should be mentioned, however, for three and more authors, only the last (family) name of the first author is mentioned, followed by et al. (italic), for example: Clark & Larièpe, 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Keith et al., 2019; Aziz & Armita, 2020. The same author in the same year publication should be written (Liu et al., 2018a; Liu et al., 2018b). A total of 90% of the references should be from scientific journals with trackable citation (doi number) published in the last ten years, except for taxonomic studies. Use Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi style.
Materials and Methods
Materials and methods should emphasize on the procedures and data analysis
Study area. For field study, study site (newest map) should be included in manuscript.
Procedures. The research method and data analysis should be explained. The sentences should be described in the past tense. The method used, including how to use the tools, should be written in detail if it is a new method that has never been published. For research manuscripts reporting experiments on live vertebrates and/or higher invertebrates, the manuscript must include a statement identifying the institutional and/or licensing committee approving the experiments. All the methods need to be cited in references. For the scientific name of species, biochemical and chemical nomenclature, metric measurement, and equation mathematics, follow the instructions in introduction (template). Tools and kits should be described with the brand name and the type clearly. For example: DNA extraction kit (Geneaid, GS050), and Dial vernier caliper (Tricle brand ®). State the material database with the database name and the homepage. For example Protein Data Bank (PDB) database The software should be written with the brand name and version. For example Discovery Studio Client 4.1.
Data analysis. Explain how all the data analyzed in your study. State all statistical tests and parameters.
Results and Discussion
The results are listed by research method. Omitting references in results. Images, graphics and table is 10 times new roman, one space and auto fit to window.
The result of each procedur represents the causal effect mainly explains for why and how the results of the research were taken place, and do not only re-express the mentioned results in the form of sentences, not repeat them. Concluding sentence should be given at the end of the discussion.
Every tables and images should be separated with explanation. Images in same classification should be group (editable), use text box to write the code.
Discussions are presented clearly and informative. Data discussed by comparing the data obtained with the previous data, clarifying arguments against the results obtained in accordance with the research objectives, and explaining the similarities and differences as well as demonstrate the uniqueness of the invention.
Islamic-integrated theme (For affiliation with integrated Islamic curriculum).
The Islamic-integrated discussion has an actual, contextual and comprehensive theme, close to the Muslims, and has a relationship with biological science, such as elaborate much the natural happenings and sustainability, both biotic and abiotic ones. This integration must be in line with the the goals of Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi as publication media that reflects established Islamic values for contributing in the development of syi'ar as part of Muslim scientists in the international academic sphere. The authors can use Al Qur’an and/or Hadith translations or transliteration in this session. The abbreviation for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala hereinafter can be written Allah swt. The abbreviation for Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam hereinafter can be written Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Al Qur’an Surah should be written QS. Ash-Shu'ara verse 80. Other names for Allah should be written italic, for example, Allah Azza wa Jalla.
A conclusion is not merely a summary of your research result or a re-statement of your research problem but a synthesis of key points, an answer to the research objective. Only in one paragraph, without numbering and bullets. Suggestion should be based on the research findings and refer for the future research.
Address appreciations to people who play the main role in the research, such as the research sponsor and those who assist the research process (institution or individual). Provide information about funding by including specific grant numbers and titles.
- The author's name should be clear. If the author's name consists of more than one word, then used the last name, first name and middle name should be abbreviated. E.g: Taufik Ahmad Wahyudi written Wahyudi TA.
- If there are more than two authors then all the author's name is listed (not abbreviated by et or et al). Format: For one author should be written name of the author, year of publication. For two authors should be written name of first author, name of the second authors, year of publication. For more than two auhtors should be written name of the first author, name of the second author, name of the third author, and so on, year of publication.
- Name of journals should be not abbreviated.
- The journal-title uses the original language, not translate to English.
- Adapted reference minimal last 10 years, except in taxonomy study.
- Adapted reference is 90% scientific journals with doi number.
- Adapted reference is minimal 30 scientific journal with doi number, except in taxonomy study.
- Writing format:
- Journals
- Author 1, Author 2, Author 3 and so on. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). Journal name (italic, not abbreviated). volume (issue, not article number): page. doi: doi number (completed domain).
- Spiotta AM, Stiefel MF, Gracias VH, Garuffe AM, Kofke WA, Maloney-Wilensky E, Troxel AB, Levine JM, Le Roux PD. 2010. Brain tissue oxygen–directed management and outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurosurgery. vol 113(3): 571–580. doi:
- Proceeding
- Author 1, Author 2. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). Proceeding name. Date of Seminar/Symposium (mm/dd/yy). Place (city): Publisher. ISSN/ISBN. page.
- Sudarmono B, Elly KA. 2011. Kearifan lokal masyarakat Kabupaten Katingan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dalam melestarikan buah-buahan lokal Kalimantan di Kebun Raya Katingan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hari Lingkungan Hidup. July 23, 2011. Purwokerto: PPLH-LPPM UNSOED. ISBN 978-602-19161-0-0. hal 30–38.
- Book
- Author 1, Author 2. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). Place (city): Publisher. page
- Delaplane KS, Mayer DF. 2000. Crop pollination by Apis mellifera. New York: CABI Publishing. p 344.
- Chapter in book
- Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). In: Editors (eds). Title. Place (city): Publisher. page.
- Weir BS. 2006. Intraspecific differentiation. In: Hillis DM, Moritz C, Mable BK (eds). Molecular Systematics. 2nd ed. Massachusetts: Sinauer Assc. pp 385–405.
- College’s research/thesis/dissertation
- Author. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). [Thesis/Dissertation]. Place: University.
- Widayanti KA. 2006. Color perception of L4M5 gene carrier female Macaca fascicularis. [Thesis]. Bogor: Bogor Agricultural University.
- Patent
- Author 1, Author 2, and so on. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). (Patent Number). Publisher. Homepage
- Li S, Mo X, Wei M, Pan H, Zhang J, Xia N. 2016. Truncated L1 protein of human papillomavirus type 52. (US Patent No. 9,499,591). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Report from Government
- Government Name. Year. Title (Sentence case, latin name italic). City: Government Name. Homepage
- Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Barat. 2016. Jumlah industri besar sedang menurut subsektor industri menurut golongan industri di Jawa Barat, 2010-2014. Bandung: BPS Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
- Al Qur’an:
- Author/Publishers. Year. Title. Homepage
- Kementerian Agama RI. 2019. Terjemahan Al Qur’an Surat Ash-Shu'ara ayat 80.
- Hadith
- Name of Hadith; In-book reference: Book (Number), Hadith (Number); USC-MSA reference: Book (Number), Hadith (Number)
- Sahih Muslim No. 4084/Sahih Muslim 2204; In-book reference: Book 39, Hadith 95; USC-MSA reference: Book 26, Hadith 5466
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Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. Authors hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restriction to their work. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, and print the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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If the article was prepared jointly with other authors, the corresponding author warrants that he/she has been authorized by all co-authors, and agrees to inform his/her co-authors of the terms of this statement.
5. Miscellaneous
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi may conform the article to a style of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and usage that it deems appropriate. The author acknowledges that the article may be published so that it will be publicly accessible and such access will be free of charge for the readers.