Focus and Scope

ELITE (English and Literature Journal) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted specifically to the studies of English linguistics and literature and other literatures with a special emphasis on local culture, wisdom, philosophy and identity. Published twice a year in June and December, the first edition of ELITE was published in 2013. The journal contents are managed by the English and Literature Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia. The primary objective of the journal is to provide a productive forum for lecturers, researchers, authors, graduate students, and practitioners to present results of their recent studies in the areas of English linguistics and literature and other literary traditions. The journal is also indended to help disseminate recent developments in theories, concepts, and ideas in the areas concerned to the academic community of language and literature studies in Indonesia in particular and worldwide in general.

ELITE publishes articles based on original research and studies in the areas of English and literature. The coverage of English studies includes -but not limited to- English linguistics, language policy, translation and interpreting, English pedagogy, etc. Meanwhile, the coverage of English literary studies include -but not limited to- analytical studies of literary works such as novels, films, poetry, songs and drama framed by relevant literary theories, concepts, and ideas. In addition, ELITE also publishes articles based on interdisciplinary research and studies of other literary traditions with a special emphasis on local culture, loval values, and local wisdom.

ELITE accepts submissions from all over the world. Our Editorial Board members are highly qualified and committed researchers in the fields of language and literature studies who will ensure a fair, efficient, and constructive peer-review process.

ELITE has been indexed in Crossref, Google Scholar, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), the World Catalogue (WorldCat), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Ministry of Religious Affair References (MORAREF), Garda Rujukan Digital (GARUDA), Harvard Library, and Repository of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.