Peer Review Process

To ensure and maintain quality in its publication, for every manuscript submission ELITE strictly enforces the following steps as part of its review process:

  1. A desk review will be done by the editors to determine whether a submitted manuscript complies with the ELITE’s writing guidelines.
  2. A plagiarism check will be done to make sure that the submitted manuscript is an original work of its author (or authors).
  3. The manuscript will then be submitted for a blind review by two reviewers. No personal identifiers of the manuscript’s author or authors will be disclosed to the reviewers, nor will one reviewer know the identity of the other. In case the two reviewers show a substantial disagreement about the manuscript, a third reviewer will be consulted to finalize the review results.
  4. All submissions will receive an initial editorial decision within 2 to 8 weeks from the date of submission.
  5. The whole review process for every submitted manuscript typically takes 8 to 12 weeks.
  6. The author (or authors) of every submitted manuscript will have to follow up revision suggestions made by the reviewers, in case their manuscripts are accepted with required revisions.
  7. Through a strict double-blind review process, the editors of ELITE will issue a final decision to accept or reject a manuscript submitted for publication based purely on its academic merit.