• A. HARIS AHA Alumni Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum, UIN Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Indonesia



The main problem contained in this study is that after the marriage bond will give rise to inheritance and how does the legal system of inheritance in the people of Ujung, Bacukiki, West Bacukiki and Soerang sub-districts implement the distribution of customary inheritance in the Muslim community of Parepare City. The aims of this study include: 1) to analyze the implementation of inheritance law in the Muslim community of Parepare City. 2) describe the impact of the implementation of inheritance law on the Muslim community in Parepare City. In an effort to find answers to the problems studied, researchers conducted field research, namely collecting empirical-observational data. This study uses a quantitative approach, namely, uncovering data that has occurred before without manipulating data contained in the field, data is described in the form of numbers and data analysis using statistics. In other words, this study describes the results of research in the form of percentages or figures regarding the results of the implementation of inheritance law in the Muslim community of Parepare City. This research shows the results that in practice the people in Ujung, Bacukiki and West Bacukiki sub-districts prefer customary distribution of inheritance. In the division of inheritance, it is women who are most prioritized to receive inheritance. The application of this customary inheritance is reflected in customary provisions which stipulate the division of inheritance which is carried out by prioritizing peace and consensus deliberation and prioritizing the principle of decency.

Keywords: Inheritance Law, Muslim Community, City of Parepare



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