Author Guidelines

  1. Topics to be published by the Vox Populi journal must match the focus and scope.
  2. The manuscript is written in standard Indonesian or English, has never been published, and is free from elements of plagiarism.
  3. The manuscript is typed on a computer using Microsoft Word, on paper measuring 21.59 cm x 29.94 cm (Letter), 1.15 spacing, Times New Roman font.
  4. The number of words ranges from 4500 - 7000 words. Articles that have more words than that but are deemed necessary to be known by the public will be considered and published after obtaining approval from the Editor Team.
  5. Tables and figures must be identified in the form of serial numbers and titles of tables or figures that match the contents of the table or figure and are accompanied by the source of the quotation.
  6. The editor has the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the technical criteria/requirements, make changes to the composition of the manuscript, correct the language, and consult with the author before the manuscript is published.
  7. Systematics of script writing, consisting of:
    • Title
      The font size for the title of the article is 18 points, and the font for the content is 12 points. The title is a maximum of 12 words in Indonesian or 10 words in English. The title must accurately reflect the problem being discussed, using words that are concise, straightforward, precise, clear, and contain the elements to be discussed.
    • Author Name, Institution, and Email
      The author's name is written below the title before the abstract without being accompanied by an academic degree or another title, the origin of the institution where the author belongs, and the email address for correspondence with a size of 12 points.
    • Abstract and Keywords
      Abstract using words in the range of 150-200 words in Indonesian, italicized with Times New Roman 12 point. Abstracts should be clear, and descriptive and should provide a brief description of the problem under study. The abstract includes the reasons for choosing the topic or the importance of the research topic, research methods, and a summary of the results. The abstract should end with a comment about the importance of the results or a brief conclusion. Include keywords up to 5 words.
    • Introduction
      The introduction is written in Times New Roman in 12 points. The introduction must clearly describe the background of the research, the objectives and benefits of the research, the formulation of the problem, the literature relevant to the research subject, the approach to be used, and the novelty value that will be generated. In this section, the author must also provide an argument about the importance of the research being carried out. Foreign terms are italicized. Citation of each other's written work refers to the American Psychological Association / APA Style and uses a bodynote (Populi, 2022).
    • Literature Review
      This section contains as much as possible a systematic description of information on research results that have been carried out by previous researchers that are relevant to the research conducted. This section contains the strengths and weaknesses of previous research which can be used as an argument that this research is carried out to improve or develop previous research.
    • Theory
      This section contains the theoretical basis in the form of a summary of theories from the literature that supports the research, as well as an explanation of the basic concepts and principles needed for problem-solving. The theoretical basis is in the form of a qualitative description or a mathematical model.
    • Research Methods
      This section describes the research methods used, including research design and approach, data collection, and analysis techniques. The research method is presented in the form of a narrative without making sub-sections.
    • Results and Discussion
      The Results and Discussion section is the section that contains all the scientific findings obtained as research data. This section is expected to provide a scientific explanation that can logically explain the reasons for obtaining these results which are described in a clear, complete, detailed, integrated, systematic, and sustainable manner. The author arranges systematically rational arguments about scientific information obtained in research, especially information relevant to the research problem. The discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical descriptions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Scientifically, research results obtained in research can be in the form of new findings or improvements, confirmations, or rejections of interpretations of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers. To clarify the presentation, the research results are presented carefully so that they are easy to understand, for example, they can be shown in the form of tables, curves, graphs, pictures, photos, or other forms as needed completely and clearly. The positions tables, curves, graphs, pictures, and photos are placed in the middle and given an identity in the form of numbers and reference sources. See Templates.
    • Conclusion
      Conclusions are brief, clear, and precise statements about what is obtained from the research.
    • Reference
      Reference list of at least 15 pieces of literature of which at least 50% are published in the last 5 years. Use Mendeley or Microsoft Word's built-in References. The reference style uses the APA style.