Published: 2022-12-22

Malaqbiq: Indegenious Living Tradition in Mandar Ethnic West Sulawesi-Indonesia toward Disruption Era

Erwin Hafid, Baso Pallawagau, Ummi Farhah


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The Tradition of Female Circumcision (The Integration of Religion and Culture)

Nurlaelah Abbas, St. Rahmatiah


 This article have been read 303 times,  downloaded 233 times

Career Women in Maslahah Mursalah Perspective

Muhammad Rusli, Aisyah Kara, Kurniati, Hamzah Hasan, Zakirah, Muhammad Arsyam


 This article have been read 357 times,  downloaded 222 times

Representation of Ideology in Local Wisdom Verbal Forms: The Discourse Analysis of Islamic Friday Sermon

Sukirman, Salam, Nurul Aswar, Firman, Mirnawati, Rusdiansyah


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Islam and Strengthening Civil Society (The Portrait of the Experiences of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah)

Andi Jufri


 This article have been read 394 times,  downloaded 307 times

The Obedience of Hajj: Problems and Its Implementation and Effort to Achieve Their Compatibility

Umar Yahya


 This article have been read 294 times,  downloaded 169 times

The Concept of Child Rearing in the Qur'an

Sitti Musyahidah, Muhammad Rafiiy Rahim, Mohamad Syafri, Muhammad Arman, Muhammad Patri Arifin


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