Published: 2023-06-22

Ibn Thufail and His Contributions in the Field of Islamic Philosophy: Thoughts and Developments

Mukhlis Latif


 This article have been read 387 times,  downloaded 390 times

Political Configuration of Islamic Law in Legal Development in Indonesia

Nur Taufiq Sanusi, Ahmad Fauzan, Abdul Syatar, Kurniati, Hasanuddin Hasim


 This article have been read 265 times,  downloaded 180 times

The Reconstruction of Maqasid Al-Syariah against Traffic Violation in Indonesia

Kasjim Salenda, Sudirman


 This article have been read 163 times,  downloaded 177 times

Endogamous Marriages among the Kiai in Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School, Situbondo: A Phenomenological Approach in the Perspective of Multicultural Fiqh

Mirwan, R. Fakhrurrazi, Faishal Agil Al Munawar


 This article have been read 300 times,  downloaded 160 times