Abstrak_Place attachment sebagai bentuk keterikatan individu terhadap suatu tempat pada umumnya bisa diwujudkan ke dalam ikatan batin, makna, kepuasan, serta ikatan sosial yang dapat dilihat dari perlakuan seseorang terhadap objek yang berada di sekitarnya. Puri Saren Agung Ubud sebagai salah satu destinasi pariwisata berskala internasional memiliki kecenderungan untuk berkembang dan berubah mengikuti kebutuhannya, termasuk ancaman invasi terhadap karakter dan identitas budaya lokal di kawasan Ubud. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji sejauh mana place attachment terhadap Puri Saren Agung Ubud masih dimiliki oleh abdi (pegawai puri) dan masyarakat di sekitarnya, beserta jenis keterikatannya. Penentuan responden dilakukan dengan pendekatan purposive sampling pada dua kategori yang berbeda, yaitu internal user (abdi) dan surrounding community (masyarakat) yang memiliki keragaman jenis kelamin, usia, tugas dan tanggung jawab/ pekerjaan, serta lama bekerja/ tinggal di sekitar Puri Saren Agung Ubud berdasarkan variabel Place Attachment, meliputi: Place Identity, Place Dependence, Social Bond, dan Architecture. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterikatan terhadap Puri Saren Agung Ubud lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh makna dan keterikatannya; keindahan, kenyamanan, dan kepuasan; serta kenangan dan ikatan khusus yang dihadirkan oleh Puri Saren Agung Ubud. Selain itu ikatan yang terbentuk pada masing-masing penggunanya memiliki tingkatan yang berbeda. Jenis keterikatan abdi terhadap Puri Saren Agung Ubud lebih bersifat ikatan batin dan emosional, sementara keterikatan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat lebih bersifat kepentingan ekonomi dari keberadaan Puri Saren Agung Ubud sebagai salah satu destinasi pariwisata. Sekalipun demikian, tanggung jawab secara adat untuk menjaga kelestarian dan eksistensi Puri Saren Agung Ubud masih dimiliki oleh abdi dan masyarakat di sekitarnya.
Kata kunci: Puri Saren Agung Ubud; Place Attachment; Abdi; Masyarakat; Variabel Arsitektur.
Abstract_ Place attachment as a form of individual or group attachment toward a place, in general, can be manifested into an inner bonding, meaning, satisfaction, and social bonding that can be seen from one's treatment to the objects around them. Puri Saren Agung in Ubud as an international tourism destination has a tendency to develop and change to meet its needs, including the threat of invasion of local cultural character and identity in the Ubud area. This research was conducted for assessing to what extent place attachment to Puri Saren Agung in Ubud is still owned by Abdi (internal user) and the surrounding community, along with the type of attachment. Respondent determination was done by using purposive sampling approach in two different categories, namely internal user (Abdi) and surrounding communities that have a diversity in sex, age, duties and responsibilities/jobs, the length of working/staying around Puri Saren Agung in Ubud based on Place Attachment variables, including Place Identity, Place Dependence, Social Bond, and Architecture. The results showed that the attachment to Puri Saren Agung in Ubud is more influenced by its meaning and attachment; beauty, comfort, and satisfaction; as well as memories and special bond presented by Puri Saren Agung Ubud. Besides, the bonds that are formed in each user have a different level. The type of Abdi's attachment to Puri Saren Agung in Ubud is more of an inner and emotional bond, while the attachment held by the community is more of economic interest from the existence of Puri Saren Agung in Ubud as a tourism destination. Even so, customary responsibility for maintaining the preservation and existence of Puri Saren Agung in Ubud still belongs to Abdi (internal user) and the surrounding community.
Keywords: Puri Saren Agung in Ubud; Place Attachment; Abdi (Internal User); Surrounding Community; Architectural Variable.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Eko Widodo, Diananta Pramitasari, Syam Rachma Marcillia

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